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  Her stomach fluttered in nervousness as Robert let her to the dance floor. Usually she wasn't like this; but confident and loving the attention, having a smirk on her face as she strutted around. Now, well, now she was glancing around insecurely and praying that she would not trip over her two feet.

  Pregnancy is a real pain.

It will all be worth it when her precious baby is born.

  Taking in a deep breath, her hand rested on Robert's shoulder as the other was intertwined with his comfortable hand. When the orchestra started, their feet moved in perfect sync and all her worries faded away.

She felt so at peace. So happy.

  Robert gently gave her a small twirl, making her dress swish and fling around her legs before settling down calmly. She was well aware of the hundreds of eyes on them at that moment and she hated how that made her slightly nauseous. A few months ago she would have raved for the attention.

  Her love must have sensed her unease since he closed the gap between them and they were now slow dancing, careful not to apply pressure to her stomach. Her eyes closed gently, her nostrils taking in the familiar scent of gunpowder and cinnamon as her head rested on Robert's shoulder.

  The spectators slowly faded into nothingness and all Elizabeth paid attention to was Robert. Her and Robert. Robert and her. It was all ruined when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She stumbled slightly, accidentally stepping on Robert's foot and squeezed her eyes in pain.

"What's wrong?" She heard Robert immediately ask. She didn't answer him and clutched her stomach with a pained groan. Good Lord, this hurts. "Rosie?"

"It...It h-hurts." She stammered, tears starting to form. Robert went into panic mode. Around them, murmurs from the crowd spread like wildfire as everyone looked over at the couple in interest and concern. Elizabeth wanted to yell at them for staring but did not have the strength.

  She grabbed a fist full of Robert's suit and clenched tightly, trying to ease the pain away. Nothing worked. She almost blacked out when she felt a sudden force pick her up. Her head swam in nausea and the sharp pain continued.

"Robert...." She stammered weakly, feeling herself being carried out of the room.

"Shh...." Robert whispered. "You'll be alright. Everything will be alright."

"I'm......." She found it hard to speak. Her mouth felt full of sawdust. She swallowed. "I'm scared."

  She fluttered her eyes a little when she felt Robert bend down and give her forehead a kiss. "You will be fine." He repeated, though she could read the worry in his blue eyes as clear as day.

"How can you be sure?" Elizabeth asked, giving another wince as she felt another sharp pain erupt.

   "I have faith." Robert answered, making her smile weakly, snuggling her head closer to Robert's chest and closing her eyes, trying to fall asleep; hoping that this will ease her pain a little.


  When she slowly came to, the girl found herself in the medic tent with an anxious Robert sitting on a stool besides her. Slowly sitting up, she locked eyes with Robert and she heard him let out a sigh of relief.

  Elizabeth's stomach fluttered when Robert placed a gentle but loving kiss on her forehead. "You're awake." He stated with a small smile, and it was mirrored with a nod.

  "Is the baby okay?" She dared to ask, her hand sliding down and gently rubbing her bump. It had grown larger during these past few months. Robert's eyes lit up, making her glance over at him curiously.

  "Lieutenant Andrews said that the cause of the sharp pain is from the babies kicking." Robert said with a smile, and Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat in excitement. "The pain will only be mild and short term, in other words; you will get used to it."

  "Good lord!" She gushed, feeling over the moon and embraced Robert in a hug, making him chuckle happily. When she pulled away, she placed a loving kiss on his lips.

  "I cannot wait for this child to be born." She whispered, resting her forehead on his, smiling at the feeling of his strong arms around her.

  "Likewise." He murmured, a ghost of a smile on his lips, looking at her lovingly. "I am so glad that you are well."

  Elizabeth blushed. 

 "When this war is over...." Robert started hesitantly, nervously wetting his lips causing the girl to glance at them longingly. They seemed very inviting right about now. 

  However, she felt Robert tilt her head up and she was met with his blue eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes. Such a wonderful shade of blue. 

  "When this war is over..." He repeated, swallowing nervously before taking a deep breath. "I would like to marry you."

  Elizabeth felt as though her heart was about to explode. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed at Robert with those wide eyes of hers. Did she hear him correctly? She didn't answer him and spent the next few minutes gawking.

  This caused Robert to shift around uncomfortably and cough, making her snap out of her daze. "Pardon?" She whispered in disbelief.

  "I would like to marry you after the war." Robert repeated. "Spend the rest of my life together with you."

    "Why don't you ask me properly then?" She said with a small giggle, beyond happy at that moment. Robert let out a small laugh before nodding.

  He stood up before kneeling down on one knee in front of her. Elizabeth felt like crying again; but this time, it was one of happiness. "Elizabeth Rosie Taylor......" Robert started, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I know this is not the best circumstances and not what you deserve; however I cannot wait any longer. After the war.... when we come home to Boston..... when I buy you a proper ring, I will ask you again. As for now, I will ask the question since I am too impatient. Will you marry me?" 

  Elizabeth had a hand over her mouth as the tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked down in awe at the man kneeling in front of her, staring up with hopeful eyes. She then thought to the universe: How did I get so lucky?

  She knew what were to happen later on, she knew how it will end if she didn't do anything about it. That is why she would do everything in her power do not let it happen. She was going to spend the rest of her life with Robert; the love her of life, and she would do everything in her power for them to get their happily ever after. They deserved it.

  So, without a doubt, and you wouldn't be surprised that the next words that flew out of her mouth were:

  "Yes, I will marry you."


OMG!! ROBERT ASKED THE BIG QUESTION!!! Will all go according to plan? Who knows. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter.

 I know the timelines aren't accurate at ALL and about the pregnancy stuff, but I tried my best. After reading the last few chapters, I noticed that Rosie faints a lot and I was like....WTF did I write that?! LOL

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. 


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