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 ****Warning, mention of torture/beatings***

   Elizabeth's insides burned with fury as she stormed to the training location. Clenching her fists tightly, she ignored the feeling to punch something really hard. Poor Sergeant Wildfield looked like he would rather be anywhere else at this moment.

  Fighting her way through the crowd of men, hearing whispers and gossip. When she finally reached the front of the crowd, her feet stopped moving so suddenly, it made Wildfield accidentally crash into her. Turning her head sharply, she gave him a harsh glare; him gulping nervously, bowing his head in apology before scrambling over the his spot with the men.

  Ignoring the exchange, she forced herself to gaze at tied up man in front of her. He looked exactly as she remembered him. Well, except maybe more grayer hairs and wrinkles. When they locked eyes, Elizabeth did everything in her power to not run away in the opposite direction. Her father smirked upon seeing her.

  "Ah, Elizabeth.... looks like your still alive." He stated, making her freeze at the sound of his voice. She has not heard it in over a decade. 

  "What are you doing here, father?" She forced herself not to stutter, trying to keep her voice the same stone cold, emotionless voice that she has mastered over the years.

   "Now that is no way to greet your father is it?" His voice almost teased her. This made the girl scoff in disbelief.

  "What are you doing here?" She repeated, ignoring the side remark.

  "Nothing. I was walking around until these... filthy people had the nerve to capture me." He spat in disgust, trying to swat away Major John Rawlins's tight grip. This caused her to grit her teeth in fury.

  "Looks like your beliefs never changed father." She said furiously, her hands shaking in anger. 

  "Look, I will give you an option. Let me go, and come back with me. Maybe then, I will forgive you for tainting the Taylor name." He offered, making Robert scoff quietly next to her. 

    "I will never go back. Ever." She stated.

  "General Taylor." Sergeant Major Rawlins called, successfully gaining her attention. "What shall we do with him?"

  Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows in thought before Major Mulcahy interrupted her.

   "The punishments of invasion is usually death or 27 beatings." He called out, silently asking her to choose. That is when Andrew started to panic.

  "What? You can not do that! I-" He shut up by Elizabeth's raise of her hand.

   "You should know the consequences, father." She said in a shaky voice. "Not even I can do anything about it."

  "I RAISED YOU! NOW THIS IS WHAT I GET?!" He shouted, now desperate. Elizabeth flinched at the loud noise, remembering the shouting and hits she would get as a kid. 

  "You should not have come here-," She was cut off.

   "YOU FILTHY BETRAYING SCUM! I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU TO DIE THE DAY YOU WERE BORN!" He spat, his voice so loud that people from a hundred yards away could hear. Elizabeth glanced upwards towards the sky, trying really hard to not let tears fall. Everyone watched the exchange in silence; shocked that their General lived her life like this. 

  Finally, taking a shaky breath and glancing down at her father, she muttered, "27 beatings." Even though her voice was not loud, everyone heard it. "I am sorry, father. It must be done."

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