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  Gathering on the courtyard, the young General watched her troops form in a crowd. Her lips put in a deep frown, knowing that what was coming next is unfair to them. Deep in her heart, the brunette girl felt so sorry for them. They had to work so much harder to get people's respect just because the color of their skin. From what she saw in her visions of the future, there will be a time when everyone is equal; but she knows that she won't be around to see it. 

  She saw Robert walk onto the platform, and called for the attention. "Attention battalion."

  "Yes sir!" Everyone coursed, gathering around and giving Robert their undivided attention. 

  "You men enlisted in this regiment..." Robert started, making the girl want to roll her eyes in anger. Sometimes she wished she got the power to travel through time and not have visions of the future. At least then, she would get to witness firsthand how it feels like. "...on the understanding that you would be paid......the regular Army wage of 13 dollars a month." 

   The crowd started to smile. Elizabeth looked at the ground from where she was standing on the platform next to Robert, not wanting to diminish their happy mood. Robert however, also had the same trail of thought as her and when she felt his eyes on her, she glanced over to see that Robert looking at her with pleading eyes. She shook her head subtly. It is your job.

  He stuck his bottom lip slightly with a small but noticeable pout, his eyes silently begging her. Elizabeth's left eye twitched. Fight it. She thought. A moment passed. Damn you!

  Now turning over to face the crowd, she cursed Robert for being so cute when he made that face. "This morning l have been notified...," she started, and the crowd turned their heads towards her. She paused. Why did she agree to this? "...that since you are a colored regiment...", She paused again, swallowing the lump in her throat before forcing the next words out. "..you'll be paid ten dollars a month."

  Once those words left her mouth, an instant uproar of protests were heard. Honestly, she couldn't blame them. If that happened to her, well, lets just say, someone would have a black-eye. 

 "Regiment fall out by company to receive pay." Robert finished for her. The crowd parted.  Elizabeth walked off the stage and stood next to the men seated; who were in charge of giving out the troops paychecks. 

  During this she overheard Trip talking, well, complaining to Jupiter. "Where you going, boy?" 

  "To get paid." Jupiter answered unfazed by the unfairness. "Ten dollar a lot of money." Elizabeth almost wanted to smile at the child-like innocence that Jupiter held. She just hoped he wouldn't loose it. 

  Her eyes fixed on Trip as he walked over to another person when he found out that Jupiter wasn't listening. "Hey, pop, you fixing to lay down for this too?" 

  " Fall in!" The people in charge ordered. " Fall in!"

  "Hey, come on, brother. Where's your pride now?" Trip continued, walking up as so-called "pop", ignored him and went up to the counter.

  "Make your mark right here." The instructor besides Elizabeth ordered. 

  "l can write my name." The soldiers said.

  "Then do it." The instructor said in an annoyed tone, earning a slap on the head from Elizabeth. He mumbled a small "sorry" and moved on.

  "A colored soldier stop a bullet as good as a white one.." Trip announced loudly. "...and for less money too!"  That seemed to hit a nerve. Everyone now formed a crowd, all protesting loudly. The white men looked at Elizabeth for help, but the said General had a proud smile on her face. 

Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Where stories live. Discover now