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 He felt like shit. Simple. No other words could describe what he was feeling at that moment. Why was the world so cruel to him? He had spent the last few minutes staring blankly into space. He had done it. He made the right choice....right? But then why did it feel so wrong?

  Glancing downwards, his eyes locked with the piece of parchment that Rosie had dropped. Bending down slightly, he picked it up and turned it over. His heart plummeted at the sight. It was him. She was drawing him when he ruined it. The drawing looked so much like him.  A part of him selfishly wished that Rosie drew them together so he had something to hold onto now that the real thing was gone. 

     His eyes glanced over at the words written at the bottom: 

Sometimes I think of the sun and moon as lovers

Who rarely meet, always chase,

and almost always miss one another.

But once in a while, they do catch up,

and they kiss and the world stares

in awe of their eclipse.

Doesn't that sound like us, Robert?

  Taking a deep breath,  he hadn't even noticed that tears had began to fall down his cheeks, staining the parchment. Quickly trying to wipe it off, then gently folded the parchment neatly and put it securely in his pocket. Staring off into the distance, he deeply regretted what he has done.

  I'm sorry, Rosie.


 She didn't know how long she was there for; but what she did know was that when she opened her eyes, the sun was shining brightly over the horizon. Out of habit, she turned to look at the pocket watch on her wrist but only to find that it wasn't at it's usual resting spot. 

  With her head pounding, she forced herself up and walked back to her tent. She had to move now before the team sent a scouting party to search for her. She probably looked like shit, but to be fair, she also felt like complete shit so she didn't really care at this moment.

 Walking to the camp grounds, she was greeted by the troops already armed and ready for the day. When they spotted her, they all got into position. "Attention Company!" Wincing at the loud voice, she managed a nod; not bothering to stop her walking.

  "Major Forbes." She cringed at the sound of her voice. The said person glanced at her in concern. "Continue." She ordered and walked right past the troops and to her tent. Glancing around, her heart felt numb as she went on autopilot. Quickly putting on her uniform, she grabbed her extra things needed for the day and hurried out to the training rooms.


  After a few hours, the girl found herself on a boat with the rest of the 54th Massachusetts. They were going to a town called Darien, Georgia.

  Her face at been static this whole time, not making a peep. Occasionally, the girl would turn her gaze from the horizon to Robert instead, but everytime, she was met with a harsh glare that caused her heart to bleed.

  Glancing around, she overhead her accompanies talk. It wasn't like she wanted to, this was a small boat after all, and with almost no moving space.

  "Mainly, I forgot how hot it was down here."

  "Welcome home, boy."

She couldn't exactly pinpoint who was talking exactly, but continued to listen anyway. She needed a distraction.

  "Don't worry about it, buck. Take a good look."

  "It's all a memory now that the North man come."

  "Now that we come."

  "General Taylor?" The said the turned her attention to the caller of her name. Shaking hands with the man, she gave him a polite nod.

"Edward Pierce, special assignment from Harper's Weekly."

  "Harper's Weekly?" She questioned. "Serving an entire nation."

  "Million readers want to know what happens...." Edward started, making her glance curiously at him. "When the men of the 54th see action."

  "A million in one." She retorted. Furrowing her eyebrows in thought, an idea popped into her mind. "Well, you'll want to see this."

  Turning her gaze to Cabot, he nodded, turning to the crowd and called "Attention, company!" All the men stood at attention at once, getting rid of their relaxed state.

  Elizabeth walked up and called out "Rawlins, front and centre."

   John did as told and gave her a salute and she gladly gave one back. "Ma'am!"

  "Mr. Rawlins," the girl started, her voice loud and clear. "This regiment was formed with the promise.... that only white officers would be commissioned to lead it."

  On that statement, she wanted to scoff at how ridiculous it sounded. Oh well, it was about to change very soon. "Nothing was mentioned however, about noncommissioned officers. Therefore, in recognition of initiative taken not only for yourself.... but on the behalf of the entire regiment... you are hereby awarded the rank of sergeant major." She finished, holding a hand out and presenting Rawlins with the new symbol as Sergeant Major.

  "Congratulations." She finished. John looked stunned as he shook her hand.

  "Thank you, Ma'am." He finally stated, earning a nod from her.

  "Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!" The crowd cheered happily.

   Walking closer towards Rawlins, she said a quiet "Congratulations."

  "I ain't sure I'm wanting this, General." He answered back, making her nod in understanding. This was how she felt when she was awarded the rank as General.

  "I know exactly how you feel." She said.


Sorry if this was a shorter chapter than usual. I wasn't really feeling well because of the vaccine I got. I still have a slight headache but I was feeling a lot better than earlier so I decided to write this chapter for you guys.

  I did not want to lose the update daily streak I am on. With that being said, my right arm feels like shite right now. I have no idea why i decided to take the vaccine on my dominate hand. Definition of stupidity.

SOOOOOOOO, hope yall enjoy the chapter.

And as always,



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