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She was horrified, to put in simplest words. After what felt like eternity with Cabot's questions and suspicions, she was able to escape to the training camp.

  However, the soreness in her legs made Cabot even more suspicious. Ignoring his curious stares, she walked into position and glanced around.

  Noticing that everyone hasn't started training like Forbes had said, she turned every confused. Glancing around, she saw all the commanders, workers, and soldiers rushing around and cleaning the place.

  Frowning, she walked slowly up to Cabot who was giving orders. "No, this ribbon goes there." Or "wrong color, change it."

  "What the hell is going on?" She asked him, making him pause from ordering the poor officer who had the wrong size ribbon. As always, she ignored the teasing glint in his eyes.

  "A visitor, General." He said simply, making her brows furrow in confusion. Forbes tilted his head, and his eyes simultaneously widened.

  "Nice marks." He said with a knowing smirk. She gasped, her hands rapidly trying to cover the hickey's that Robert had left on her neck. That cheeky bastard. "Makes sense why Robert was late."

  "Shut up." She mumbled, her face turning a light pink as Cabot crackled in laughter. "That is an order!" That final sentence made him hold both of his hands in the air in surrender.

  "Answer my previous question." When Cabot gave her a confused look, she sighed in annoyance. "Who's visiting us? Military camps usually don't do this....." she said her hand waving at the decorations on display.

  "The Haggerty family is paying us a visit." Forbes answered, making her eyebrows raise even more.

  "How come?" She asked.

  "Who knows?" Cabot said with a shrug. "Perhaps their daughter, Annie couldn't wait to see Robert again. Heard they donated a huge sum of money for the president to approve of this."

  She tensed at the mention of Annie. It was not that she wasn't glad to see her childhood friend. It was just.... after so many years, she finally has Robert in her arms. She couldn't bare the thought of Annie taking him away from her.

  "Relax, you're as stiff as a board." Forbes teased, making her shoot him a glare. "You have nothing to worry about. Robert is head over heels for you. Believe me, I would know."

  "Know what?" Another voice startled them as they both turned to see Robert walking towards them, noticing their change in surroundings.

  Cabot was about to open his mouth but Elizabeth cut him off. "Major Forbes!" Cabot snickered making her bite her tongue in annoyance. Robert looked back and forth between them in confusion.

  "Soemthing you want to tell me, Robert?" Forbes continued to tease, making the girl give out a sigh of defeat.

  "No Major." Robert replied, his tone nervous. Elizabeth pinched the bridge of her nose. Suddenly, horns sounded, drums started playing, and every trooper lined up in two straight lines.

  "Good lord, they're here!" Robert stated and hurriedly grabbed her wrist, dragging her into her spot. Again, why am I the only one who wasn't informed of this?

  A carriage rolled into view with servants and maids surrounding it. Elizabeth put on a small smile. It has been so long since she had seen Annie. Hopefully, all will be well.

  When the music stopped, one handmaiden opened the carriage door; and out stepped Ogden and Elizabeth Haggerty, followed by their daughter Annie.

  She watched Annie scan the crowd for familiar faces. Thinking that she was looking for her, she gave her a big smile. It was diminished however, when Annie's gaze past over her and landed on the person who was standing on her right. Of course.

  She wanted to scoff out loud but refrained from doing so. She could only watch as Annie picked up her dress slightly and ran towards Robert in a hurry.

  Elizabeth clenched her fist behind her back when Annie rushed forward and embraced Robert in a tight hug. Jealousy bubbled inside of her like boiling hot lava and she had to refrain herself from smacking her childhood friend.

  "Oh Robert!" Annie cried, her arms tightening around him. "I missed you so much."

  What gave her a sense of comfort was that Robert stood there, as stiff as a board, unmoving. Then he awkwardly shrugged her off of him. "It's good to see you too, Miss. Haggerty."

  She saw Annie frown at the formal use of her name. "Annie will do just fine."

  "Miss. Haggerty." Robert stated firmly, ignoring her suggestion. Besides her, Cabot let out a low whistle at the scene. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "That must've hurt."

  Giving him a small smack on the arm, she cleared her throat. This caused Annie and Robert to glance over at her. "You didn't greet me like that, Annie. I'm hurt."

  All she got was a tight-lipped smile from Annie as she held out her hand for a shake. Raising an eyebrow at her sudden change in demeanor, she clasped her hand firmly and shook it in greeting.

"Elizabeth." Now, everyone's eyebrows rose at that. Since when did Annie call her by her full name? "Pleasure."

  Noticing the obvious tension in the air, Cabot chuckled nervously, making everyone glance at him. "You all continue, I'll show Mr. and Mrs. Haggerty their rooms."

  Elizabeth gave Cabot a furious look that said you better not leave me! He however, shot her a look back that read you're on your own there! and purposefully walking up to Annie's parents and greeted them.

  Sighing in irritation, she clasped her hands behind her back, making no move to start a conversation. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Robert shuffle around uncomfortably.

  "What brings you here, Miss. Haggerty?" Robert started, trying to defuse the tension.

  "It's Annie." She repeated, but was ignored. That caused her to huff in frustration. "I can't visit you because I genuinely miss your absence?"

  Robert gave her a forced smile, and it made Elizabeth inwardly smirk. His lack of interacting with woman besides herself never ceased to surprise her. It was at times like these when she thanked the heavens that Robert wasn't the type of person to hit on girls.

  "Forgive my rudeness, Miss Haggerty." Robert started. "We are at war here. Even though I do appreciate your concern, I need you not to worry for me. I am in perfect health, and Rosie will always be there in case trouble does arise."

  At the mention of Elizabeth's name, Annie narrowed her eyes and looked back and forth between her and Robert. Elizabeth could see the girl's mind moving, and she decided to cut into the conversation before she could come up with any conclusions. "Well, this has been joyful. Why don't I show you around the place?"

  Annie glanced at her before gazing back at Robert. "I was hoping Robert would-"

  "Brilliant." Elizabeth cut her off. "Come with me, you have a lot to see." Without waiting for her reply, she grabbed her wrist and dragged her away from Robert, ignoring her protests. She couldn't stand another moment with Annie and him so close together. This was the least she could do. Elizabeth sighed inwardly, already knowing that this would be a long couple of days.


YOOO.... that was unexpected. Ik this wasn't part of the glory movie but I wanted this in my book. More drama means more plot, and that leads to more chapters! I have no idea how this will turn out but we'll see how it goes.







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