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(3 years later ----- after the war)


"Tosh, darling dry those tears. You're going to wed!!" Sarah Shaw said excitedly, fawning over Elizabeth in her wedding gown. It had been over three years since the war. Three years since the battle of Fort. Wagner. Three years since Forbes death.

  When news broke out, Susannah had screamed and cried, locking herself into her room and refusing to speak. As time moved on, everyone slowly healed. Elizabeth and Susannah no longer spent nights together crying over Forbes and cursing the world.

     There were so many things that Forbes had missed out on, that he was supposed to witness first-hand and experience himself. For example, his best friend's childbirth. The birth of Elizabeth's baby. The child had turned out to be a healthy baby boy; a carbon copy of Robert with Elizabeth's brown eyes and dimpled smile.

   The boy's parents had melted when they saw him, and without a moments hesitation, came up with a name that would honor their dear friend forever. 

 Alexander Forbes Shaw.

   Now, the pair finally decided to get married, and the 25 year old girl felt like throwing up in nervousness. Fidgeting the edge of her lacy dress, she felt like passing out when the grandfather clock hit twelve. It was time.

   Taking in a deep breath, she pushed open the large doors, and she saw him. Robert. All the nerves went away as her gaze locked into his beautiful blue eyes. He was incredibly handsome. With his fancy clothes on and hair perfectly styled to the tea, she refrained herself from swooning in front of hundreds of guests.

  Flowers rained down as she slowly walked towards Robert, and her eyes brightened when she saw her precious two year old baby, who was giggling happily in Sarah's arms.

   Finally reaching Robert, she gave him a shy smile at his awed expression. The officiant began his speech, and the whole time, Elizabeth was getting lost into Robert's eyes.

  "Robert Gould Shaw, do you, take Elizabeth Rosie Taylor to be your forever wife? That you'll be together through life and death, rich or poor, and health?" 

   Without a moments hesitation, Robert said those two words that made the girl's heart flutter. 

  "I do."

  "Do you, Elizabeth Rosie Taylor, take Robert Gould Shaw to be your forever husband? That you'll be together through life and death, rich or poor, and health?"

  There was no doubt in her mind when she said the words:

 "I do."

"You may kiss the-"

  Before he could finish, Elizabeth was tugged into Robert's embrace, and he quickly placed a searing kiss on her lips. "You may continue kissing your bride." Laughter was heard throughout the room as everyone stood up and cheered for the newly wedded couple.

     Once Robert pulled apart, he gave her a cheeky grin. Elizabeth blushed red and she couldn't stop the smile that was on her face. "How does it feel to be Elizabeth Shaw?" Robert whispered in her ear, sending goosebumps down her spine.

   Chuckling, she gave him another peck on the lips before answering. "It's wonderful." She said in a blissful tone. 

  Tearing her gaze away from Robert, she smiled when she saw Sarah wiping her eyes with a handkerchief while holding Alexander in the other. As her eyes landed on the empty seat they had placed there just for Cabot, a sad smile graced her lips.

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