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200+ years later

 "Okay class, today we will be learning about one of the most famous Civil War hero's of all time." The class groaned, but I perked up in interest. I have always had a passion for learning about the Civil War; partly because my relatives fought in it, and the other part because it was so interesting to learn about.

  "Now someone tell me..... who lead the 54th Massachusetts into battle?" Our teacher, Mr. Wellman said, and I raised my hand eagerly. This was easy. I knew it. 

  As Mr. Wellman's gaze landed on me, he asked "Anyone else besides Emily? We all know that she knows the answer." I huffed and put my hand down in amusement. See, here's the thing.... I'm kinda popular around here.

  Not because of something I did, no not really, but because I was related to someone who made a difference. Everyone knew me as Emily Shaw, descendants of the great Elizabeth and Robert Shaw, two war hero's.

  Not that I'm complaining. Oh no. I was proud as hell!

Yeah! Those are my grandparents!! Well.... great-great-great-great-great... You get the picture!!

Now, this is the 21st century. While I am so proud and honored to be related to them, the stares and questions I have received are more than what I can count!

  I have been interviewed, appeared on television, and hell, even elected as class president or whatever you call that BS. Being in the center of the spotlight can get pretty annoying at points.

  Things got even more hectic when two important things of Civil War history were found. Elizabeth and Robert's swords. They have been missing for years, and it turns out that they were in our attic the whole entire time!! I was pissed to the core when I found out.

  Being the gentlemen- er.... gentlewoman (Seriously, why is the term only for guys? Gentlemen? how sexist is that?!) Anyways.... being the gentlewoman I am.... I will give you the pleasure of seeing the swords of my legendary grandparents.



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   Generous of me, right? Anyways, as the teacher went on and on about the history of my ancestors, I ignored the stares of awe that I received throughout the lecture. I was used to it. Suddenly, the teacher said something that got my interest.

  "Okay, we will be watching a movie called 'Glory 1989'. It's a recreation of the Civil War, talking about the 54th Massachusetts and the love story of General Elizabeth Shaw and Colonel Robert Shaw. This is the most accurate movie of the Civil War that is out there." Mr. Wellman said.

  As the movie played, I smiled. They truly did have such a wonderful love story. Then, a thought crossed my mind that kind of creeped me out. Why da hell does Matthew Broderick and Lily James look so much like my grandparents?......

At times like these.... I wished I had inherited my grandmother's ability on foretelling the future.

Why oh why?

  Why was I stuck in the 21st century..... where you had to go to school five days a week for seven hours each day.... when I could've- actually never mind.

  I don't want to fight in a war.

You see, unlike my parents who are war hero's,

I.... Emily Elizabeth Shaw..... 

am a coward

and I hated it.

Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Where stories live. Discover now