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  (A/N: Ignore the fact that airplanes and helicopters were probably not invented during the civil war. Who cares? This is my story and in this story, they exist at this time.) 

   The girl frowned as she stood in the front lines with her comrades. Her usual static face was now replaced with a look of anger and fear as she gazed at Fort Wagner in all it's Glory. She dreaded this day, but it has come forth at last.

    As Elizabeth found herself standing next to General Strong on the beach of South Carolina, all she could feel was fear. She couldn't tear her gaze away from Fort Wagner, knowing what would to happen in a few days time.

  Flashbacks of her visions came to her, and she bit her bottom lip so harshly that it drew out blood. The girl had tried her hardest to prepare her men for this day, and she prayed on every burning star that it was enough.

  She had thought about canceling this battle, but she knew that this was the turning point. If she got rid of this, who knows how long the war would drag on.

    "No one will take Charleston without silencing the forts..." General Strong was saying, but those words were going in one ear and out the other. As she scanned the faces of her men, her heart bled emotionally at the thought of them dying.

   "General?" She let out a startled hum, her attention snapping back to Strong, who was looking at her.

  "Pardon?" She asked, her voice coming out strained. She dug her nails deeply into her palms. 

  "Want to add?" He asked, making her take in a shaky breath before declining the suggestion. She was not about to order her troops to......

   "...protecting its harbor." General Strong continued. "And the first one that must be taken is that." He said, pointing at the fort as explosions ringed. "Fort Wagner."

   "Wagner mounts a 10-inch Columbiad......three smooth-bore 32-pounders......a 42-pound carronade......a 10-inch coast mortar......and four 12-pound howitzers." Elizabeth informed, making the troops turn their attention to her. 

  "Plus a garrison of about 1000 men." General Strong added, making the girl silently scoff. More like 2,000. To be fair, that was just a joke. She rounded up.

  "As many of you gentlemen may be aware......for the last four days, our Navy has weakened Wagner... ...with a constant barrage." Strong said matter-of-factly. "Headquarters has determined it time for our attack.

  We will proceed with a direct frontal assault, tomorrow at dusk. The problem, gentlemen, is the approach. There is only a narrow strip of sand... ...through which we can only send one regiment at a time. Our hope is, that the leading regiment can occupy the Rebs......long enough for reinforcements to exploit the breach. 

  Needless to say......the casualties in the leading regiment may be extreme." He finished, making the girl scoff out loud at the nonchalance in his voice. General Strong heard, and he turned his full attention to her.

  "Have something to add, General Taylor?" Strong said, annoyance laced in his tone, making the girl glare at the disrespect.

  "Yes, I do actually." She said sharply, walking towards him. She could feel the eyes of the regiment burning holes into her back, but she was too focused on her next attack....er.... approach

  "Forgive my rudeness, General Strong, but you have some wrong information." She stated, her hands behind her back. "First, there are way more soldiers on Fort Wagner than you think, roughly around 2,000."

  "And you get this information-"

  "Second!" She raised her voice higher, giving him a pointed glare before continuing. "We will not only have one regiment march onto a heavily guarded Fort. That's suicide." 

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