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   The girl was over the moon, that was for sure. No matter how hard she tried, she could not get rid of the static expression on her face for long, her big contagious smile spread wide across her face.

  She was in a good mood.


  She felt good.

  She could sing!

  Poor Forbes was so very scared, she probably freaked him out quite a bit. Ever since Robert had asked her to marry him, she had not been "General Taylor." To be fair, she scared almost everybody in the regiment.

   They were all so used to her emotionless expression. Everyone was surprised when they saw her help up a fallen soldier who had been sputtering tirelessly from training. The said soldier had tripped over his own two feet in surprise and shock when she had helped him up and ended up thanking and saluting her endlessly.

   She didn't snap at Forbes for walking too loudly, or at Jupiter for the stuttering, and god forbid, she even let Trip get away after he had gotten in trouble with Mulcahy. Speaking of Trip.... she still hasn't ah.... thanked him just yet.

   In truth, she didn't need to. She had given her gratitude by letting Trip off the hook. He knew that, thank the lord. Being in such a good mood, she has decided the regiment should train at front line assaults. They needed it. This would prepare them.

What for, you may ask?

Fort. Wagner.

  She wouldn't take no for an answer. She was going to train these men and get them ready for battle. Ignoring the protests from other officers saying it was "unnecessary", which, believe me, it is very necessary.

   So this is how she found herself yelling out orders and shaking her head in disapproval as the soldiers struggled climbing up the "hill", while trying to dodge stuff thrown at them.

  "AT MY CALL!" Her voice rang out, as fake dust and bombs rang out in the room. Soldiers around them carried rifles and got into position.

"STEADY!!" Robert called, his eyes hard with his lips pursed.

   "NOW!!" She called and simultaneously, hundreds of soldiers let out a battle cry and charged the "fort" which was really at the top of a hill. Dust erupted as they took cover. The girl pursed her lips, struggling not to look away from the sense that looked so much like her vision.

   No, she would not let it happen. She was preparing them. She was training them. She would NOT fail. Not now, not ever.

   "GO!! GO!! GO!!" Mulcahy's voice boomed from the top as he continued shooting and aiming down. One by one, soldiers lost their footing and let out a scream when they rolled down, being recovered by the medic aids to check for possible injury. This was their first time training, and things were not looking good.

   "Look at those niggas." Rosie gritted her teeth when she heard a white officer comment. She snapped her eyes up and glared at the man who was chilling off to the sides with a cocky smirk on his face.

   "CHARGE!" She hollered, partly to drown out the white folks' taunts and partly for them to get moving. Another battle cry was heard, and the front lines surged forward, a soldier, which Elizabeth couldn't identify, was holding the flag.

    She wanted to make this training as realistic as possible, so they could get as much helpful training before the actual event happened. At least this way, they'll have a chance at winning the Fort. At first, she thought it was a brilliant idea. Now, as she gazed at the scene before her, she could help but grit her teeth. She was tempted for them to stop. Then, she shook her head. No, she must not. Stop thinking about it! 




 "You Dumbass!"

"Don't shoot there!"

"You're in my way!!"

"General, he's not following the rules!!"

"There are no rules in war, you dumb buffoons'!" Pause.

  "Just follow MY RULES!"


"Awe, man."

  It was complete chaos. After hours of training, the soldiers soon got into a hang of the routine and began to cooperate as a group; which made it much easier for them to get to the top. With each session, the were getting closer and closer.

  Training went well over the usual time, and when Elizabeth finally dismissed them, it was over midnight. All the soldier had dust and ash covered on their uniforms, their bodies thick in sweat as they stumbled to their resting areas to pass out for the night. 

  In short, Elizabeth was exhausted, and she didn't even engage in the fight. Her voice was a little sore from all that yelling, but overall, she was fine. Sluggishly walking to her tent, she yawned widely as she opened the flap and changed into her night attire.

   It has been one tiring-......

  "Rosie!" She opened one eye sleepily and even though her brain and mind was half asleep, she still was not surprised when she saw Robert enter her tent. She mumbled something softly, too tired to talk loud. She was grateful beyond the stars that Robert understood.

  She closed her eyes again as she felt the blankets around her shift. Macular arms wrapped around her waist, and warmth shot up her body faster than a speeding bullet. She let out a lazy smile. "Good night, Robert."

  "Good night, Izzy." Robert murmured, his warm breath on her neck. Feeling so comfortable and safe, it wasn't long until the girl fell into a deep sleep, a ghost of a smile still present on her feminine features.


Sorry, short chapter today. Couldn't figure out much on what to write. I thought that the 54th Massachusetts deserved to be properly trained for Fort. Wagner. In real life, they didn't receive proper training. 

  Since Elizabeth has the power to foretell the future, she's making she that they would have a fighting chance. ALLLSSSOOOO.....

  Remember that letter Robert received from the Confederate States? Don't you dare think that I have forgotten about it. It will come into play REAL REAL REAL soon. As in, maybe next chapter soon, who knows? MWAHAHAHAHAAHHA!!!!

That's all, Hope ya'll enjoyed.

Spring break is arriving soon so I'll be able to upload more chapters (but it's one everyday. I'll probably add more so I can get this bad boy done and done.)


Hope you have an amazing day!

Okay, okay, I swear this is the end of the note, lmao.


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