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  It was not so that Annie wasn't happy to see her friend. No, that was not the case at all. She was thrilled really, to see Elizabeth healthy and well. Glancing over her shoulder as they made their way to the nearest lake, she noticed something different. She has changed.

  Whether in a good way or not, Annie hasn't decided on that quite yet. Her curious eyes examined her feminine figure in a calculating way. Her hands were clasped behind her back while she stood, her bad straight her a static look on her face. Side affects of being a General.

  Elizabeth's brown-black hair blew through the light Summer breeze making her look more stunning. The army had done her good. A part of Annie was jealous of her. Growing up, Elizabeth had always been the tougher one. Always being the one to stand up for herself and beliefs. 

  If she had to wore her hair up, she'd protest and always find a way to wear it down. If women was not permitted to wear pants, you could bet that she would put on the ugliest pants that she could get her hands on. And lastly, when she found out that she couldn't pursue her dreams of being in the army, she of course, found a way in, not only as a soldier, but their leader

  Annie was the opposite. Always the obedient one. Her mother always said that good posture and clothes is what made a woman's worth. She followed that, making sure her back never slouched or watched her tone and manners during the dining table or wherever they may be.

  Now as her gaze settled on the brunette besides her, her mind was flooded in envy. Why was she the tougher one? Why was she prettier? Why did she get to lead? Why did Robert enjoy her presence more than her-?

  "I can basically see smoke coming out of your ears, Annie." Elizabeth murmured slightly, successfully catching her off guard. "That is no way to greet your friend, now is it?"

  Friend? That made her want to scoff. "Friend?" She dared to ask, raising an eyebrow. This made Elizabeth tear her gaze away from the scenery before them to look at her. "What kind of friend would go behind their friend's back to get the man of their dreams when they clearly know how she would feel about it?!" When those words poured out of her mouth, her eyes widened in horror. She had not meant to say that. 

  "Is that how you feel?" Annie wanted to look down in shame at the way Elizabeth's eyes blazed in anger. "A good friend, would stay by one another's side, even listening to her complains and feelings about the very same man that she loves."

  Annie felt like she's been punched in the gut. Blinking rapidly, she gazed at Elizabeth in disbelief. "You....." She stuttered, raising her pointer finger and pointing it at the girl in front of her.

  "Yes, Annie." She flinched at the venom that was laced in her tone. "I have loved him for as long as I can remember. I genuinely tired, Annie. Believe me I did. I tried to push away my feelings. I wanted you happy. I was there for you when you needed someone to rant to, saying how charming Robert was or how he gave you this or... that. I pushed aside my feelings for you."

  Annie could only look at her in shock. How could she not have known? She was about to interrupt her but Elizabeth was on a role. "I tried to push him towards you. I complimented you in front of him. I told him how.....how you both would suit each other well."

   "We would!" Annie cried, her heart breaking more and more at what was being revealed to her. "We would've been together already if it wasn't for you!" 

  Elizabeth staggered back, blinking rapidly as if someone had physically punched her. Did she regret her insult? Yes. Was she about to apologize? No. She was too prideful.

Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Where stories live. Discover now