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  The girl was seated on her horse, head held high as she scanned the new environment she just set foot in. This small town in Darien, Georgia.

  To her right was James Montgomery and with Robert on her left. She couldn't look at him anymore. It hurt too much. Too much in knowing that he was so close yet so far away.

  "Company, halt!" Her attention turned to the troops that had finished their scouting on this town.

  "Town's clean, sir." A soldier said, directed to Colonel Montgomery. "Ain't no Rebs here, just some women."

  "Well, all right. You hear that boys? Let's clear her out!" James stated, leaning over his horse a little and taking off his hat while saying that last part before sitting back down and getting into position.

  "What are you doing?" She asked, but her voice was joined by Robert's who also decided to speak at the same time. She clenched the horse reigns tighter in an effort to not glance at him. She could not stand the rejection, not again. She wasn't strong enough.

  "Liberating this town in the name of the Republic." Montgomery said obviously like they were supposed to know that already. Just as she was about to protest, a soldier walked up to them.

  "The musket, colonel?" He asked in an almost excited tone. "Never shoot it. Shoot now?"

  "Yeah, I don't see why not. Go ahead." He answered so casually it made the girl clench her teeth in annoyance.

  "Shoot the lady, boys." Elizabeth overhead as the troops got in line and fired.

  A villager came out of nowhere and held his arms out. "Don't shoot. We ain't Secesh here." His claim was obviously ignored and he had to run away from the line of fire.

  "That man is a civilian." Robert's voice sounded.

  "That man is Secesh, and Secesh is all the same, son." James answered, making Elizabeth frown in disapproval. "Look around you. You really think anybody's gonna put these boys.... into some real combat?"

  Robert did not say anything. "Do you? They're little children. Little monkey children. You just got the know how to control them." Elizabeth hated how right he was. Glancing around, she saw the men all hooting and hollering, jumping up and down like this was all a fun game.

  "Please, let go. Oh god." A female's voice immediately got her attention. Looking around, she saw a soldier clenching onto a woman.

  "Hey!" She hollered. The soldier glanced up at her for a moment.

  "You see what I mean? Children." James stated, making her roll her eyes in annoyance.

  "You!" She said, pointing to the solider. "Let her go!"

  Those words there were put out only made him hesitate. She gritted her teeth. She wasn't bound for full control over this regiment. They belonged to Montgomery. But being a General has its perks.

  "That is an order!" She exclaimed angrily. The man got the message and dropped the woman and ran away with fright. The lady standing screamed in despair as she hovered over her fallen friend.

  "Nigga soldiers! Nigga soldiers!" She screamed. Elizabeth made a face.

  "Tell your men to set torches and prepare to fire the buildings." James ordered. Robert gave him a look of disbelief.

  "I will not." He answered, making James look at him.

  "That is an order." James countered. "You will do it or you will be brought up on charges for disobeying your superior officer."

  "It is an immoral order, and by articles of war I am not bound to obey it." Robert argued. At that moment, Elizabeth's pride and love for the man skyrocketed to another level and she let a small smile coat her face. He truly was a amazing man. Her smile quickly disappeared however, when she realized that he would never be hers.

  "Well, you can just explain that at your court-martial... after your men are placed under my command." James said cockily with a slight smirk on his face. The 54th heard this and glanced up at them, worried.

Elizabeth took this time to interfere. "I am a General, Colonel Montgomery; you seem to forget. I am not bound to your orders. My command for you is to not fire on Darien."

  This made James pause for a minute before he smirked again, turning to look at her. She held the eye contact, not backing down. "You see, General, I have special orders from president Lincoln. If you deny me, then you're going against the orders of the President of the United States."

  Elizabeth scoffed. "You really want me to believe that you have orders from the president? How dense do you think I am, Colonel? The proof-"

  She was cut off by James taking something from his uniform pocket and presenting it to her slowly, almost sarcastically. She glared at his disrespect. Snatching the parchment, her eyes read over the lines. With each and every word, her glare turned even more harsh. Not even finishing the statement, she tore the parchment in half, then fourths, then fifths. Scrunching the pieces tightly into her hand, she then threw it angrily on the ground in disbelief.

  "As you can see-" she raised a hand to shut him up.

  "You better watch your mouth, Colonel. I may have to follow this order, but watch your place. Treat me with respect, or you can say goodbye to your position as Colonel. Do I make myself clear?" She asked threatenly, making him nod.

  "Colonel Shaw." She said, and cursed herself when her voice wavered at saying his name. "The order."

  "First squad, second platoon." Robert stated quietly, but the men still heard. "Fall out to set torches. Prepare to fire the town."

  "First squad, second platoon. Fall out." Rawlins repeated, and just like that, the 54th Massachusetts were put into action.

  "Forward March!"

  Elizabeth could only glance helplessly as her men grabbed torches and lit the houses on fire, destroying the houses and homes that people used to call home.


Another chapter done. Yay! Hope yall enjoy this one.

Kinda tired today, and I have a headache.

Short chapter, sorry, but we are halfway done with the book!

And as always,


Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang