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  Everything hurt like hell. Her stomach felt like it was on fire. The pain was so intense that it made the world spin. She didn't know exactly how long she'd been out; but she was slowly awoken from slumber.

  First, she opened one eyelid, then her other, and when her vision adjusted, the girl realized that she was in the medic tent. Making a movement to sit up, but immediately regretting it afterwards when she saw white spots dance before her eyes.

  The sharp pain in her stomach resumed. Glancing down, she saw bandages that was soaked in blood making her want to cringe away from it. Then, a sound to her right snapped her attention to it. The girl's eyes widened when she saw Robert slouched down, fast asleep next to the cot of her bed. 

  This sight caused a subtle smile to form it's way on her lips. Taking her hand gently, she moved away the lock of brown curl that was out of place. This caused Robert to stir, mumbling something that she couldn't quite catch.

  She abruptly jerked her hand back and watched as Robert awoke. He blinked a few times, getting in upwards position and stretched, yawning a little. Looking closely, she could see the dark circles that have appeared under his eyelids. He probably didn't get enough rest. That idiot.

  When Robert's eyes landed on her, that seemed to snap him out of his sleepy state. He quickly stood up. "You're awake." His voice was raspy, making butterflies appear in her stomach. It felt strange, since it was half destroyed. She nodded.

  "How long was I out?" She asked quietly. Robert glanced down.

  "Around three days." He mumbled. "I thought-...." He didn't finish that sentence. Honestly, Elizabeth didn't need him to. The unfinished sentence lingered in the tense air: I thought I had lost you.

  "The war-" She started, her eyes widening. 

  "We won." Robert cut her off, making her sigh in relief but then immediately wince at the sharp pain, which Robert noticed. He hurried around the tent, getting the medical supplies and quickly getting to work. 

  He unfolded the rolls of fabric and then reached his arms out for the bandages. He paused however as he noticed the situation. Blushing deeply when Robert searched her eyes for permission, she meekly nodded, not trusting her voice enough to speak.

  His hands worked skillfully and unwrapped the bandages, then putting on fresh new ones. The wound didn't look too bad though. Seemed like it had mostly healed when she was out. 

  "Robert?" Her voice sounded softly, making him hum in acknowledgement; however, he didn't stop his work and continued.

   "I want to know why-" She cut herself off by swallowing the lump in her throat. "I want to know why you got rid of this."

 Hearing this made Robert pause for a moment. Shaky hands. Elizabeth noticed. Robert's hands were shaking as he continued. A sharp pain exploded and she winced, making Robert wince along with her. 

  "I-" Robert started, before stopping. Taking a deep breath, he said "Why? Why must you be so stupid?" 

  "I'm stupid?" She said, scoffing at his choice of words. "You seem to forget that I've known you my entire life, Robert."

  He didn't respond to that. Putting away the supplies and washing his hands at the sink, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. Elizabeth cursed herself for finding that attractive. 

  "You could have died." He finally spoke. His voice sounded so heartbroken that it made Elizabeth want to start crying.

  "If I didn't take that knife then you would've died." She retorted, making Robert sigh and finally turn to look at her.

Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Where stories live. Discover now