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  Honestly, he had not expected that. Really. At all. Nada. Nope. No chance. His eyebrows rose so high he was surprised that they hadn't fallen off his face yet. Turns out, Tay-tay was just as surprised as he was.

  Out of over three-hundred people in this room, why did the Lord choose his name? Maybe that was God's message for giving Robert a lesson. Robert. A sly smirk overcame his features. He would teach him. When Robert was having, oh the joy of his life, he had to witness tay-tay's jealousy. 

    A part of him wanted to scoot away from her because that girl radiated anger. She was scary when angry. Believe him. He'd know from first hand experience, something that he is not proud to admit. 

  But, being the good friend that he was, he would help her. Besides, it's a two way win for him, getting to snog a gorgeous girl like her and helping his friends out. Granted, she'll probably get him a black eye afterwards, but it would all be worth it. 

  He could feel a pair of eyes burning holes into his back. He didn't have to turn around to know that it was Robert. Honestly, if looks could kill......he shuddered slightly. Don't kill me! You deserve it.

  Letting out a cocky smirk, he strutted forward, every step leaking with confidence prior to what Annie has done before. His brown eyes watched as Tay-tay stepped down from the podium slowly and hesitantly walked towards him until they were face to face.

  Don't put this the wrong way. He has, by no means... any feelings for the person standing in front of him. He would admit, during their childhood days he might've developed small feelings for her that was beyond friendship, but that was that. As he got older, his feelings for her diminished, unlike someone's. However, it did wound his pride a little when she saw his beloved Tay-tay grimace slightly. Ouch.

  "I am all yours, Your Majesty." He said cockily, making her roll her eyes. Before she could decide, he leaned in and whispered in her ear. "You could get your revenge." 

  His eyes sparkled in mischief and excitement as he watched her eyes dawn in realization. She bit her lip, hesitant at first but then it was replaced with a look of determination. 

  He let out a noise of surprise when he felt Tay-tay grip his suit-tie and pull him down until they were eye level. His eyebrows rose slightly in surprise. Girl got skill. That lucky bastard. With the feeling of burning eyes on his back and the close approximately to such a gorgeous girl, Cabot's mind started going hazy. Remember what he had said earlier: He does not share the same feelings as Robert. He does NOT. He will not allow himself to. Nope. Unacceptable.

  His mind cleared however, when he felt a pair of soft lips press against his own. When he realized that it was Rosie's, he tried his best not to cringe away. It felt as if he was kissing his own sister. Gross. She was a good kisser, he'd tell you that though. Robert is one lucky man.

  His eyes widened when he felt her nibble his bottom lip teasingly. Parting his lips, her tongue entered his mouth. Glad to see that someone was enjoying themselves. He wanted to pull away; but he had made a promise to himself that he would get revenge on Robert.

  With that thought in mind, he pulled her closer to him so that they were now touching chest to chest. His hands found a way into her loosely hung hair and deepened the kiss. Absentmindedly, he could hear the cheers and wolf-whistles spread throughout the crowd. He smirked. 

  When they finally pulled apart, he was panting slightly. He wiped his lips with a smirk still present, rubbing his thumb along his bottom lip. Glancing down, he saw Tay-tay with a small smile; but she didn't seem fazed by that fantastic kiss that he had given her.

  A part of his ego was hurt, but he rolled his eyes when he realized that Elizabeth was not in love with him. He by no means was jealous; it's just the fact that he make a woman's knee weak just by smiling at her, and with Rosie being in such a relaxed state after a full on snog was a burst in his ego. He was a fantastic kisser, thank you very much!

  He rolled his eyes slightly. This girl has got it bad with Robert. That lucky bastard. He finally smiled through his swollen lips. That'll teach him a lesson. Even though it was technically not his fault. Ignore that part. He still deserved it.

  He leaned back in. "I quite enjoyed that, Princess." He purposefully whispered loudly. He tried his best not to cringe at that. Good lord, Robert better thank him when they were married later on. If that bastard doesn't end up with her, he'll die in his hands... a very slow and painful death.



  He was going to kill Major Forbes, he vowed. With his hands clenched tightly to his side, he was a bit afraid that it might draw blood. He did not stop. He had more important issues to worry about. 

  His eyes burned holes through Forbes, yet he still had the audacity to smirk at him. Talk about such disrespect! He wanted to look away. His eyes; however, could not tear away from them as they shared a heated kiss.

  Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he lightly pushed away Miss. Haggerty's grip on his arm, his gaze still locked onto them. The crowd had started cheering, but Robert did not find the situation at all humorous or cheerful.

  This was God's way of letting him have Karama. It must be, he thought bitterly. It wasn't as if he had a choice but to kiss Miss Haggerty! She had jumped on him! He had been so in shock that his lips were pressed firmly in a tight line the whole entire time.

  Chewing on his bottom lip, his eyes glazed over in jealousy. That should be him with her. He should be kissing her. He should be the one holding her. Deal with it. A voice taunted him. He sighed in annoyance.

  After what seemed like an eternity, they finally pulled apart. His blue eyes examined Rosie's stunning feminine features. Her lips were swollen. No blush. That made him feel a little bit better.

  He was about to relax when- "I quite enjoyed that, Princess." Like a volcano that had reached it's point, Robert exploded at what he heard Forbes say. He wanted so badly to stalk up there and give him a good punch in the face, but that would be unprofessional. He was a Colonel, for heavens sake! At times like these, he cursed his title.

  Since he couldn't do anything about it, he sharply turned on his heel and was about to stalk off when a pair of hands gripped his arm. He had hoped that it would be Rosie, but that would be wishful thinking. 

  "Miss. Haggerty." He murmured, trying to keep his voice level. He pushed her tight grip of his hand off gently. "I do not have energy for this."

  Without waiting for her reply, he got out of there as fast as he could. He needed fresh air. Yes. That would help him. Fresh air always helped. He needed to calm down. Calm down. 


SOOOO....... what did I do now? You were ready for the drama... I delivered it! What do you think the next scenes will be?

 Hope ya'll enjoy!


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