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She had a dreamless night. When the girl opened her eyes to the bright new day, she felt well rested. No waking up to horrid visions or nightmares. Honestly, that was the best nights rest she's had in a long time.

When she moved to stretch, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around her like a pillow, preventing her from leaving. Frowning in confusion, she glanced down and her face turned bright red when she saw a clothless Robert sleeping next to her.

The flashbacks of last night came crashing down on her making her eyes widen even more. Good lord, did that really happen? Her heart bested a little faster when she recalled how loving Robert was. I love you. Robert had said. God, she felt like a schoolgirl.

Gently shaking Robert's shoudler for him to wake up, even though she wanted nothing more than to stay like this all day. However, it wouldn't be appropriate for two commanding officers to skip training now would it?

Robert grumbled, stirring in his sleep and held onto her tighter. She cursed herself for blushing redder. "Robert." She whispered, taking her pointer finger and gently poking his cheek. He let out a hum.

"We have to get up." She said softly, and Robert let out the cutest whine she had ever heard. Her insides melted at that sound. She almost felt bad for waking him up.

"Robert!" She said louder, lightly tapping his cheek. This time, one of his eyelids cracked open and she was met with his wonderful blue eyes. Her stomach turned.

"Do we have to?" He mumbled, his voice deep and husky from just waking up in the morning. Elizabeth cursed herself silently for finding that attractive. Her stomach fluttered.

"Yes." She said firmly, making him whine, his arms trailing down to her waist and pulling her to his chest.

"I'd much rather like it here, don't you think?" He asked, his blue eyes examining her face. Then, Robert's lips turned upwards into a smirk making the girl furrow her eyes in confusion.

"What is it?" She asked softly. She felt Robert's hands trail on her neck.

"Love the artwork." He replied, making her gasp slightly in realization. Scrambling out of his arms, she tried to get to the mirror. Key word being tried.

When she took a step, a sudden pain in her legs made her wince. She would have fallen forward if it wasn't for Robert catching her. She blushed red in embarrassment. She heard Robert chuckle slightly.

"Did I go too hard on you?" He asked worridly, making her shake her head.

"No, it's just a bit sore." She denied. She saw Robert's eyebrows narrow at her. Without warning, she was being held bridal style. She let out a surprised shriek of protest.

"Put me down!" She demanded him, but was ignored as she was set back on the bed. The girl watched him curiously as he gathered her clothes and bent down on one knee in front of her.

"You going to propose to me, Robert?" She teased, making a blush dust on Robert's cheeks.

"Would you say yes if I did?" He asked, no hint of a joke in his voice. The smile disappeared on her face as she noticed the seriousness of his voice. She glanced down when she saw Robert pulling on her socks.

"That depends." She said, her voice returning back to the teasing edge it was earlier. She doesn't do good during stressful situations so she decided to diffuse the tension a little. "Will there be a ring?"

Robert said nothing at that and continued to dress her. She was touched to the core. No one in her life has ever showed her this much care before. "Do you want there to be?" He finally asked, buttoning the last button on her uniform. She paused.

How was she supposed to respond to that? Her real answer, which her mind screamed yes! She couldn't say that could she? She silently cursed herself for putting herself in this situation.

"I...." she started, her voice immediately trailing off. What was she supposed to say?! "Maybe?" She squeezed her eyes shut at her answer. Maybe?! What kind of answer was that?

"That's all I need to know." He answered, making her look up at him in confusion. He was about to lean in for a kiss but she gently held her hands out to his chest to push him away.

"I haven't cleaned-" she started to protest but was cut off by a pair of soft lips. She sighed inwardly and couldn't resist herself to push him away this time.

"Least of my concerns." He whispered once he pulled away. His blue eyes gazed at her so fondly and filled with so much love that it made her gaze away from the intensity.

She opened her mouth to say something when a voice sounded from outside. "Oi! Robert, you alright in there? Training started fifteen minutes ago!" She saw Robert roll his eyes slightly at the sound of Cabot's voice.

She couldn't blame him. Forbes was always interrupting at the wrong time. She opened her mouth to tell him off but Robert covered her lips with his hands. Her eyes widened and she cursed herself for being so stupid. She had almost forgotten that she was not supposed to be here.

"Yes Major!" Robert called out. "Thank you, I'll be out in a few." After hearing the shuffling footsteps get further and further away, Robert's hand slowly moved away from her lips, and she sighed in relief.

"I should go." She said begrudgingly. Robert let out a small pout but nodded his head anyways, knowing that they were already pushing their limits. That did not stop him from stealing another kiss from her though. That also made her blush.

Standing up, she winced slightly at the soreness in her legs but ignored it. This resulted her into limping slightly. "Careful." She heard Robert call worriedly making her stop and turn her head around.

"Maybe you should-" he started but she cut him off with a wave. She knew what he was going to say. She gave him a pained smile but shook her head.

"I'm well, Robert." She stated. "See you at training."

Just like that, she turned back to walking out the tent but Robert said something that made her turn tomatoe red. "Yes, future Mrs. Taylor-Shaw."


AWWW, such a cute and wholesome moment between them. I also finally thought of a ship name to give them. Its...



I KNOW I KNOW, it's not the best but that's all I can think of as of right now. If you have any suggestions for other ships name between Robert and Elizabeth then please tell me in the comments.

Hope yall enjoyed this chapter!

PEACE ;)..

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