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  "Open your textbooks to page 394." 

    The groaning and shuffling of noises and paper filled the air and into her ears. 

    Immediately, Elizabeth groaned as she viewed her surroundings, already knowing that she was in another vision. The tutors dead monotone voice was enough to make anyone fall asleep. Her trail of though was correct when she surveyed her surroundings; only to find herself in what looked like a classroom.

  Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she scanned the room. Kids around what...14... maybe 15 was all sitting in chairs lined up in rows of either 7 or eight. Around 30 in total. Their clothes.... what in heavens name were they wearing? The top had short sleeves, and pants. Not going to lie, even though their fashion was different, Elizabeth still thought that they looked way more comfortable than the dresses that she was forced to wear. Everything looked so nice and new.

  Now surveying the students, she noticed that all kids, black and white, boys and girls, were all getting along perfectly fine. Was there a school that she did not know about? One that allowed so much freedom and equality? However, this does not explain how the kids were staring at a um..... board? Pictures flashed from it, and her eyes widened when she saw a picture of her and Robert. Just how far in the future was she really?

  "Who can tell me the leader of the 54th Massachusetts?" The teacher asked. Her attention went straight to a small girl that raised her hand up. She had black curls, eyes so dark they almost looked black, small lips, and her presence just gave a shy aura. Elizabeth had a feeling that that girl was not the type to talk a lot.

  Her assumption was correct when she noticed the look of surprise that flickered across the teachers face when the girl raised her hand. Hesitantly, he called on her.

  "Yes, Emma?"

  "Robert. Robert Gould Shaw." Her voice was smooth like silk, soft and relaxing. But what made it weird is that Elizabeth felt a sense of familiarity towards her which was weird because she never saw her. Was there a relative that she didn't know about? That name alone was enough to wake the class up and give the teacher their most undivided attention. Seems like this topic interested them.

  "Correct." The teacher said with a small smile. "You would know all about that, wouldn't you, Emma Shaw?" Wait,.....Shaw?!

  "Yes Mr. Thompson." The girl, Emma, said with a small but proud smile on her face. 

  "And do you know who the General is?" The teacher continued to question, now pointing his stick thing at the picture of Elizabeth.

  "Yes. She is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Rosie Taylor." 

  The class glanced at the girl and pictures curiously. This topic seemed to interest them because their friends shook the people that were asleep. They blinked, waking up and when they glanced at the pictures, they gasped silently and did not fall back asleep. Their eyes then immediately flickered to the 14 year old girl.

  "Correct." Mr. Thompson said. "Now that you guys have finally woken up, we will be talking about the history of  two war heroines: Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and General Elizabeth Rosie Taylor-Shaw."

  "Also my great-great-great-great-great something grandparents!!" The girl, Emma exclaimed with pride.



 With a gasp, Elizabeth opened her eyes from slumber. Shooting up, she took a good solid 5 minutes to wrap her head around the vision she just had. She just witnessed like what..400 years something in the future? Seemed liked she survived the war, which she was not complaining about just to be clear, had children?, and got married to Robert?

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