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  Honestly, not even four weeks had passed and she was getting sick of pregnancy. First, she did not mind the mood swings since those were the least of her worries. What bothered her the most was the morning sickness. Every morning, she had scrambled out of bed and puked out all of the contents in her stomach.

  Then, that led to her being moody the rest of the day, snapping at poor soldiers who did so much as to walk too loudly. This made her feel horrible afterwards, and she had spent hours crying in her tent afterwards. Robert had been an angel to be there for her.

  Speaking of Robert, that man had been getting on her nerves as well. She knew that he meant well, but she found it so bloody annoying that she couldn't even mount her horse without his supervision. She did not want to, but she couldn't control her feelings!

  She knew that motherhood was no walk in the park, but she never thought that it would be this.. this.... What is the word? Ridiculous! Plus, the little devil has not even been born yet. However, what she does know is that she would shower her baby with unconditional love and support; something that she has never experienced by her own parents. Besides, this creation that is inside her stomach at this exact moment, is part of her and Robert.

  Their baby is physical proof alone of their beautiful and blossoming relationship. Now, as she sat on her cot, her hand slowly hovered over her stomach. Over the past few weeks her stomach has been more visible, leaving a small yet visible bump, where her and Robert's baby grow stronger with each passing day.

  As she rubbed her stomach gently, her mind trailed to her family. How would they react when...if she told them of her current situation? Would they leap and cry for joy? She scoffed at that thought. Wishful thinking.

  No, they would probably consider it another burden, not even giving the time to even glance over, make sure she was all right, if Robert was all right; but why would they care? They've never cared before. They didn't even send a search party the night she ran away from home.

  That thought upset her, so she stopped thinking about it. She could not have another mental break-down. She will not. Instead, she thought about Robert's parents: Francis and Sarah Shaw. A small smile formed on her face. Surely, they'd be overjoyed at the news.

  However, Sarah would first lecture her about a wedding, (which she has been doing for years.) Before giving her a hug and asking if she was in good health. Giving out a sad sigh, she wished with all her heart that her parents were like this. Alas, they were not, and she will be forever grateful to Robert's family for taking her in.

  The sound of horns blaring over the campus startled the girl, making her flinch slightly. Standing up, she walked out of her tent and squinted her eyes painfully as the bright sun blinded her eyes.

  Blinking rapidly, she allowed her eyes to adjust to the change in light before her attention turned forward. Carriages rolled forward with servants and guards following behind. She inwardly groaned. What now?

  As soldiers marched into formation, the shout "ATTENTION, COMPANY!" was heard over the noise. Yes, thank you Forbes.

  Cautiously walking forward, she narrowed her eyes in confusion at the carriage. Feeling a nudge to her side, she turned around and a bright smile appeared across her face upon seeing Robert.

   They stood side by side as the carriage gratuity rolled to a stop in front of them. The girl tilted her head curiously as she watched the maid open the door. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Sarah Shaw step out along with Francis Shaw. Robert's parents. What the hell?

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