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  Had she not dreaded this time as much as she has now. As the girl found herself standing on the beach once more, her brown eyes glaring at Ft. Wagner that was within seeing distance, she refrained herself from spewing out profanities left to right.

  Around her, troops of troops where giving the chant "Give them hell, 54th!" Over and over again. Gripping the reins of her beloved white mare, Clara, her eyes scanned the crowd rapidly for a familiar face.

  As her eyes spotted Edward Pierce, her shoulders shagged in relief, steering her horse towards him. Her eyes furrowed however, when she saw him engaging a conversation with Robert. She wasn't confused for long, however, as her eyes landed on the stack of envelopes in his hand. 

  Her heart clenched as she saw Roberts' hands tremble as he gave Pierce the letters. Her gaze hardened. She would personally make sure that those letters would not have to be sent, if it was the last thing she did.

   Once Robert trotted way, she went up to him. "Pierce!" She called, her voice wavering slightly at nerves. Gazes were locked and Pierce looked at her in awe and pity.

  "Taylor." He greeted her with a salute, one that she gladly returned. 

  "l wonder if you might do something for me." She swallowed nervously, gazing back at Fort. Wagner for a split second. "l have some letters here, personal things."

   "Certainly, General." Pierce responded, taking the letters from her and placing it in his pouch. She smiled, relieved. 

  "Also, if l should fall..." She bit her lip. "...remember what you see here."

  "You both are so alike." Pierce murmured, probably not meant for her to hear, but she did anyways. She tilted her head in confusion.

   "Colonel Shaw said the same thing." He answered, causing a sad smile to grace her lips.

  The girl licked her dry lips, pursing them slightly before letting a sad smile grace across her face. "If all goes well.... then those letters would not be put in use."

   After the departure, the 23 year old General scanned the crowd of men, and her insides burned with pride. They really were the finest regiment ever to march on Earth. 


  She now found herself in the command center of a helicopter with dozens of planes lining up in formation around her, all hovering over Fort. Wagner. They were not within eye shot, so the people on the ground could not tell that they were there.

  "Colonel Shaw, do you copy?" The girl asked through her headset, and was relieved when she heard a reply.

   "Loud and clear, General." Robert's voice sounded, and she let a smile grace her lips flicking the controls on the helicopter. Besides her were medical stand by, should anything go wrong, armed officers, and highly trained pilots. 

  "It's time." She said, trying to keep the displeasure away from her tone. Dusk had fallen, meaning that their plan of attack is to be put in motion. 

  "Copy." Robert's voice sounded.

   "Do not do anything uncalled for, Major Forbes." She warned, making an offended gasp sound through the radio.

  "What makes you think that-" He started.

  "All right!" She cut him off before turning to address everyone else. "Operation airstrike!! Order to commence!"

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