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{ 2 days later}

***Note: Timelines may not be exactly on point.***


 Dearest mother,

   I really hope you are doing well. It's been hard out here. Sometimes I feel like I am looking after a lot of toddlers instead of armed soldiers. Being General of the Union Army has a lot on it's shoulders. With a war looming over our heads, I really do hope that you are safe. I know we may not have the best relationship, but I do miss you. So much. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision. I miss you mother. Father. Even my darling older sister. How is she? Probably still happy that I am not home. But really, tell her that I miss her.

  All my love,



  The 54th Massachusetts had in total of 1,100 black men that volunteered. This is the first colored regiment; and were on their way for their first day at camp. The weather however, did not share their excitement. Thunders could be heard if you listen close enough. The men felt rain hit against their skin, their feet splashing in the muddy water, but none of them complained.

   Their Colonel, Robert Shaw stood tall on his horse, blinking every now and then to get the water out of his eyes. Taking a glance to his right, he saw General Taylor on her horse with the usual stone cold expression on her face. Usually, the General doesn't fight battles, but she had insisted in participating to make sure everything went well. Now that his eyes has landed on the brunette, it seemed that he couldn't take them off of her. His blue eyes turned longingly as he gazed over, wondering what their life would be if there was no war. Maybe then, they could-

  "Colonel Shaw!" Startled, Robert snapped his gaze into focus, trying to locate the voice that had, fortunately, took him out of his daydream. But, to his horror, it was none other than General Taylor herself. 

  "Yes General?" He desperately hoped his voice didn't stutter. The said brunette suddenly put her horse to a stop, making him almost losing his balance, hurrying to stop his as well, his horse Traveler, whined at the sudden movement. 

   Turning her head over her shoulder to look at him, her brown eyes turned calculating, gazing at Robert. He did his best to not shift uncomfortably in his seat. "You seem distracted, Colonel." He shook his head, praying to God that he wasn't blushing.

   Pursing her lips, she dismounted her horse, tilting her head up to maintain eye contact. "We are here. If you are distracted, maybe then you are not fit for the job." Those words hurt more than knives. Dismounting his horse, he walked up to her, closer than those who considered comfortable. 

  "I am more than capable, General." His voice leaked heavily with sarcasm at the word General, making her head snap up to meet his blue eyes. He has probably stepped over the line, but he was too prideful to back down now. After all, it was she who gave him the job. Elizabeth's eyes blazed with so much intensity making Robert want to bend down on his knees and beg for forgiveness. I am sorry! He wanted to scream, but he planted his foot in the ground, refraining him from doing so. Even during their early childhood years, Robert hated making her mad. Seems like nothing has changed.

  "Colonel Shaw,"  Her voice mimicked his own, making him wince slightly. Most people would not dare to take back to a higher ranked officer, let alone their General. But, Robert was an exception. He has crossed the line with her many, many times. And every single time, Elizabeth has let it go. 

  "I am merely telling the truth. If you are distracted here, how will you be in the battle field? I can not-" She swallowed, making Roberts eyebrows furrow in concern as her gaze turned to the ground, all of a sudden finding mud more interesting. "I can not bare...."

  "What did you see?" His voice turned soft, concerning. Robert knew all about the vision Elizabeth has. When they were little, Rosie would run into his room with tears streaming down her face after the nightmares. Young Robert would clench his fist, staring hopelessly at her as she balled her eyes out, seeking comfort in his chest. He was furious that God had decided to let her suffer. Why her? Anyone but her. Alas, he could not do anything about it but try to get her to calm down. Back then he thought it was bad, but at least he could do something. Now, now with the conditions they were set in, Rosie did not come find him anymore. And that made him even more furious, knowing that his best friend was suffering and he could not do anything about it.

   "I can not tell you. It is the rules." She mumbled in reply, hesitantly gazing into his blue eyes. Robert could not read the emotion. Was it sadness? Fear? "It is not that I do not find you capable, I am worried. Worried that-"

  "I know, I am sorry Rosie." He said softly, and he swore that her brown eyes softened, allowing the little emotion to be exposed, making his heart do a little tap dance.

  She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a voice. "GENERAL TAYLOR!" Turning to the sound, Robert locked eyes with Major Cabot who was running towards them. The said person in question raised her eyebrow, signaling him to continue. Major Cabot gave her a salute, and immediately, she gave on back. Robert found it a little scary how you could never catch her off guard. Seems like foretelling of the future does have its perks.

  "Permission to speak freely, Major." ANNNDDD, General Taylor was back. Major Cabot looked between his General and Colonel Shaw, raising an eyebrow at the annoyed look Robert gave him. It was no secret that there was something going on between them, he silently prayed to God that they would realize it before it was too late.

  "Um, General Taylor, everyone is settled and ready." He answered awkwardly, inwardly wincing to himself that he had nothing important to say. But in his defense, General did tell him to alert her when everything was set. Robert however, shot him an even more annoyed look that seemed to say "You interrupted us for that?"

  Nodding her head, Elizabeth gave Corbet a salute and dismissed him, and he could not have been happier to get away. If looks could kill, Robert would have him six feet under already.

  As Robert turned his gaze back to Elizabeth, their eyes met. "I shall retire. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. Dismissed, Colonel." This time, Robert did not argue with her and gave her a salute, with her nodding her head a little and saluting back. Giving him a small, tiny, smile, Elizabeth marched to her tent, her horse following behind her. It was only then when Robert could release the breath he did not know he was holding and allowed him to relax. I have it bad. He scold himself, shaking his head and he too, retired to his tent. 


chapter finished! As you can see, Robert and Elizabeth has not just met. They knew each other since forever lol.

ANNYYWAYS, hope ya'll enjoy this chapter, worked really hard on it.

Do you have any recommendations on Robert Gould Shaw fanfics? Cant find much out there thsts why I decided to make one of my own.

Also, I noticed that I have my oc as Lily James but she has BLONDE hair. Ik a lot of stories have their OC's as blondie and blue eyes so shes gonna have black hair. I didnt realize my mistake until halfway through writing lmao and I'm too lazy to change it. Srry.

Words total to the story not including authors note: 1220

That's all!


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