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Point of View: Narrator 

  "Ouch!" The voice of a man sounded for like the thousandths time. Shuffling and rummaging were heard as the men around them scurried for the right supplies. 

  "Greetings Admiral." A deep voice was heard. The man being treated stood up, wincing as his scars burned.

  "Glad to see that you are alive." The voice was spoken with clear amusement, making the Admiral scoff slightly.

  "You didn't think I'd make it back alive?" He questioned, his tone quickly changing into one of anger.

  "You know full well what she is capable of." 

  "What can I do for you, General Lee?" The Admiral questioned, only out of politeness and courtesy. 

  "What information did you find?" General Lee asked, going straight to the point.

   "Nothing about their attack plans. Although their General does have a soft spot of Colonel Shaw. The feeling is mutual for the both of them." He answered, hoping that that information was enough. It was as if luck played his way because a devilish smirk appeared across Lee's face.

  "That is more than enough, Admiral." Lee stated. "You wouldn't mind if I took things into my own hands with General Taylor would you?"

  The man being questioned scoffed in annoyance at that name. "Why would I care?"

   "Good. Let's make sure that Robert Shaw and Elizabeth Taylor both suffer."

  "How?" Admiral questioned.

  "Well, we just need to turn their own feelings against them." Lee said with a smirk. "Let me write a letter to darling Robert Shaw here. Don't worry, Andrew. You will get your revenge on what your daughter did to you."



   He was furious. How can this be happening to his troops? Worried about Trip, he walked out of his tent and went in search for John Rawlins. He found him on guard duty. 

  "Mr. Rawlins." He greeted him with a salute. The man in question stood staring straight ahead, not moving a muscle. Robert took a few minutes to collect himself from the awkward situation he put himself in. "This morning It'd be a great help if l could talk to you about the men......from time to time."

  Rawlins said nothing and stared straight ahead. Robert shuffled his feet on the dirt, not knowing what else to say. "That's all." As he was beginning to walk away, Rawlins said "Shoes, sir." This caused him to stop and turn back around, fully facing the Corporal.

  "The men need shoes, colonel." Rawlins said, his face still static. Robert nodded, already knowing that.

  "Yes, l know. General Taylor and I have been after the quartermaster." He answered gently, trying to assure him that he was trying to take care of the situation. 

  "No, sir. Now. The boy was off trying to find himself some shoes, colonel." Rawlins said, despair and sadness leaking from his voice. "He wants to fight......same as the rest of us......more even."

  When Robert stayed quiet to digest this new information, John led him to the infirmary where Trip was being treated. John gently took off one of Trip's old shoe only to see that his foot was scarred up and bloody. Robert winced at the sight. 

 "All of the men like this?" He asked sadly, and what made his mood drop even more was when he received a nod back.

 "Yes. Most of them." Robert sighed in frustration. 

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