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  The next morning was the same as any. Elizabeth however, was anxious to see how many men are left after what happened yesterday. She prayed to God that there would still be a 54th Massachusetts. Rushing to put on her attire, she ran out of her tent and her eyes squinting at the bright light. Voices could be heard; "ATTENTION COMPANY!"

   When her vision cleared, her eyes widened as she walked over to the group of men all standing in formation. It was then, and only then, did she let a smile slowly form on her face. No one had left. Her gaze locked with Robert who was just as relieved as she was. Giving him a nod, she walked to the front of the crowd. Words could not be explained on the extreme happiness that she felt at that exact moment. "Ma'am!" They all said in unison. "Formed and ready, Ma'am." Everyone. Even Robert. This was truly a sight to see. Perhaps she was not a failure to all.



  The men were marching as usual with Elizabeth, Robert, and Cabot watching them. As usual, Mulcahy's shouting grew louder and louder. Sometimes, Elizabeth wished that that man had a mute button. "Company halt!" He shouted, making everyone stop. They stood still, all except Thomas who bent over, coughing. Elizabeth winced slightly, knowing that Mulcahy would not take this lightly. 

   Mulcahy ran over to Thomas and shouted "You are not dismissed boy! Get up! You don't fall out until I say so! Do you understand me?!" Thomas gasped for air, trying desperately to get up but with no success. Annoyed, Sergeant Mulcahy kicked him in the behind, making him fall over once again and this time, he did not get up.  "I SAID GET UP!"

 "Sergeant Major!" Robert called out, having seen enough. Mulcahy quickly walked over and gave him his attention. "Sir." Elizabeth gazed at them curiously, wondering what was going to happen.

  "At ease Sergeant." Robert stated. Mulcahy's definition of "At ease," needed some real work. In fact, he looked more stiff than before. The browned eyed girl tried her hardest not to snort at the position he was standing in. Sadly, she failed, making Mulcahy's eyes dart over to her at lightning speed. She covered it up with a cough. 

  "I have no doubt that you are a fair man Mulcahy." Robert started, successfully gaining his attention.  "I wonder if you are treating these men too hard." No response.

 "You disagree? You may speak freely." 

 "The boy's your friend?" He asked Robert who nodded his head in agreement.

  "We grew up together, yes." He answered.

  "Then let him grow up some more." Mulcahy replied, making Elizabeth snap her head up to gaze at him. Ouch. That comment must have hurt Robert. Worried, she gazed over for his reaction only to see that he was silent.

  "Will that be all sir?" Mulcahy asked.

  "Yes." A pause. "Dismissed." The Sergeant gave him a salute before walking away. 

  Once out of ear shot, Elizabeth called out "Robert? You all right?" The said man turned his head to gaze at the brunette for a few minutes before answering, "Yes."

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