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  Dear father,

  I need your help. Despite my many requests, it has become clear... that we are only used for manual labour. Morale is low. The men's good humor darkened by idleness and despair. Why keep drilling if they are never given the opportunity to prove themselves? I have written to Governor Andrew as well as to... the general staff in Washington. But I feel that only a letter directly from you to Lincoln himself can have the desired effect. I can think of no other course.

  I am sure you both pray, as I do.... that all this has not been in vain. As for my well being, I am fine. And Rosie..... things have been tough for the both of us. I cannot believe that I have let my personal emotions toy it's way into the living. It seems however, that no matter how hard I try to stay away from her, to act distant, every bone and fiber in my body is protesting. Why is love so confusing? You and mother make it seem so easy.

  Ever your son,



  He was seriously getting tired of this. I mean come on! His best friends have been ignoring each other for weeks! He doesn't know what exactly happened, but he sees the hurt look Tay-tay gives Robert and whenever the brunette is not looking, Robert would gaze at her with looks of longing.

  He has had enough. Having grown up with them for years, he was bound to know that they have developed feelings for each other over the course of the years. Robert has always had a soft spot for Tay-tay; so his sudden cold behavior towards her makes no sense.

  Grumbling to himself, he wondered for the thousandth time why do I always have to solve the issue when those two are fighting? Life really did treat Cabot unfairly. However, he was determined to get them back together, if they were together in the first place.

  Snorting, he shook his head as he sighed. They better thank him later when they were popping up babies that looked like them. If one of their children is not named Cabot then he will seriously have to consider some new friends. Ungrateful brats!

  With that thought in mind, he yanked the reigns of his horse slightly to go find Elizabeth. On the way however, he had overhead angry voices. Slowing his horse to a stop, he listened quietly to their conversation.

  "Look like we going the wrong way." Cabot almost rolled his eyes. Of course it was Private Trip. Wherever he went, it was bound to get out of hand. He will just have to listen to see how it will play out.

  "Hey. Hey, come on, now. Buck up boys." Glancing over, he saw Private Sharts, Thomas, and the one and only Trip stop working and walk up next to another regiment. White troops. Wincing to himself, he knew this was going to get ugly. Still, he wondered how it would play out.

  "See, someday they're gonna let the 54th get into it, see?" Trip stated, making Cabot give a small sad sigh. Hopefully.

  "And all your troubles would be over, huh?" The white soldier said.

  "Come on now, cheer up. Hey."

  "What did you say, boy?" The cocky sound of the white troop exclaimed.

  "Shut up Trip." Cabot smiled a little, knowing that there was someone mature enough to stop this.

  "Would you get up off Mr. Snowflake?" Trip threatened. Thomas backed off.

"See, let me explain something to you." Trip started. "See, the way I figure this war would be over a far whole lot sooner.. if you boys just turn right on around and head on back down that way...and let us head where the real fighting is." Cabot snorted. He had some common sense at least.

  "Them men dying up that road." The white soldier retorted.

  "And it wouldn't be nothing but Rebs dying if they let the 54th in it." Trip countered. Cabot wondered briefly if that boy ever used his brain before he spoke.

  "Listen....." the trooper started. They started getting closer. Sensing a fight, Cabot was about to interfere when Rawlins beat him to it.

  "Hold it." John ordered.

  "As you were, Trip. As you were." Cabot smiled. The rank as Major was doing him well. He was glad that Tay-tay gave him the opportunity to lead.

  "You men move on." John said.

  "Stripes on a nigga." The white troop noticed. "That's like tits on a bull." A lot of people laughed.

  "You're looking at a higher rank, Corporal." John said, putting his hands on his hips. "Now, you'll obey and you'll like it."

  "Make me." He taunted.

  "I'll make you." Trip countered, reaching his hand out to grip his shoudler. John tried to hold him back but a full on fight was starting.

  This time, he decided to interfere. What a bunch of babies. "What the hell is going on here?"

  "Attention! Attention!" The troops yelled.

"You." Cabot pointed at the trooper who was being sassy. He looked at him. "Yes, you. What's your name? I'm putting you up on charges."

"Oh, there ain't no cause for that, sir." John said, making him turn his head to gaze at him.

  "What's that, sergeant?" He asked.

  "Well, I mean, it's just a soldier's fight, sir." John sumed up, making him roll his eyes.

  "All right, you men move along." Cabot ordered and they did as told.

  "Front step. Forward. March."

  "Move it!" He ordered.

  "You men get back to work." John ordered. "Back to work. Let's go." There was a shuffling of leaves as everyone hurried back to their stations as before.

  Huffing in annoyance, he thought for a moment. What was he going to do? Oh yeah, find Elizabeth. Turning the reigns of his horse to the right, he moved quickly, hoping by the time he got to his destination, he would have already thought of a plan to get his best friends together.



That's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed Cabots point of view.

An idea came into mind, but do you have any ship name suggestions for Robert and Elizabeth? Lol.

That's all for today.



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