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POV: Narrator

  The morning sun arose in the horizon, kissing the ground and showering the planet with light. It was calm now; birds chirping and the sound of the ocean crashing against the sea shore. At first glance, you might think that this is something that would be put in a fairytale.

  However, if you look closely, you could see bodies of people scattered throughout the beach, ruining the peaceful and optimistic setting. Up upon Fort Wagner, you could see a banner fluttering in the breeze, scattered and torn apart from the battle previous, but still up nothing less.

  With the red and white stripes and stars, the Union flag stood tall and firm in the sky. While it's soldiers suffered losses, the flag was still there. Speaking of the soldiers, their General, a twenty-three year old woman hastily walked across the beach, eyes watering and trying not to cry at the soldiers with blue uniforms.

   Her eyes shone with pride and relief as she gazed at the American flag that now hung rightfully in the air, a big smile making it's way onto her face. All was not lost. Around her, surviving Union commanders were piling southern soldiers and throwing them into a pit on the beach.

   Their General's eyes darted anxiously across the men, as though she was trying to look for something, or someone. A figure made it's way out of the remaining shadows, his uniform covered in soot, his kepi lost, and he seemed to be clutching onto his arm.

  "Robert!" The girl cried in relief, immediately rushing over and tackling him into a hug, causing tired chuckles to escape from the man as he relished her embrace, letting out a sigh of happiness laced in exhaustion.

   "Love...." He murmured, before letting out a wince, which Elizabeth noticed immediately. Pulling away from the man she loved, the rather intelligent woman scanned Robert for injuries. Brown eyes zeroing in on his arm, she saw that it was cut up and bloodied, and the girl let out a small smile in relief.

  Nothing that won't heal. 

    The two lovers pressed their lips together, both overjoyed that last night had not been their last. 

   "General!" A voice called, and the two pulled apart. 

  Elizabeth turned her head and saw Lieutenant Andrews walking over, his expression grave. "Yes?" The General asked.

   "It's Major Forbes. His......" He did not have to say anymore. Any happiness from earlier drained out of her and she paled. She had almost forgotten. She had been so relieved to see Robert alive and well that she almost forgot about her dear friend!

   "I'll take care of...." She trailed off, clearing her throat as her eyes burned with tears. Sniffling, she walked off towards the group of workers who were taking care of the bodies.

  After taking a couple of steps, she stopped and turned around. "Lieutenant Andrews. See to it that you treat Robert's wounds." She commanded, and managed a weak smile when she received a salute back with a firm head nod.

    As the girl walked to the fallen soldiers, her grief spread throughout her entire body as she recognized familiar faces of Thomas and Rawlins. She wanted to break down and cry, but she held it in. She then saw Jupiter and Trip standing together silently, mournful expressions on both their faces as they saw their fallen comrades. 


  The girl may have succeeded in her goal, but in order to do so, she had sacrificed many of her most important people to win. In the end, a question was asked to her.


  Was it all worth it?

And a million times, she would repeat the same answer out to you: 


  Call her selfish, but she would risk anything to keep Robert alive. Even her own life. That's what she used to think.  Now, as she gazed sadly at the unmoving body of her dear friend, Major Forbes, she wished that she had the power to save him too.

    She couldn't help but feel guilty. It was she who had the power to foretell the future; she who had the power to change the future.

  Even with the power to foretell and change the future, not everything was meant to be changed. 

  What she learned too late was that, death does not take things lightly. In order to save one, you lose one. What was that saying again? There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  By choosing to save Robert and winning the battle, she had risked Forbes' life.  

A life for a life.

  Death can be a cruel, cruel thing.

 This is something, even the smartest of people could not figure out, until it is too late.


I'm sad now. THEY WON THE BATTLE!! 

 ust a disclaimer!! This is not what happened in real life and to the actual 54th Massachusetts. In real life, they lost more than half their numbers and our dear Colonel Robert Gould Shaw did not survive the battle. I just did not have the heart to kill him off in this book.

This is how it should've went  in real life!!! They gave it there all and in the end, they still lost? I mean, come on!! This is a disgrace everyone! I gave them another chance at winning in this chapter. Sorry if it was crappy and short, but this is just the aftermath of the battle on Fort. Wagner. 

  Once again, everyone salute for Major Cabot Forbes!

 May you rest in piece my friend.

The next few chapters would just be about the ending, the future, ROSABETH's wedding, etc. Hope ya'll enjoyed. I actually cried a bit while typing this. I'm so evil........ sorry not sorry.

I really wanted to keep Forbes alive but that would be too UNREALISTIC!! Like seriously, you win a battle, and ALL your friends survive, killing off only some of the side characters? Now that's just.... nah. ew. 

Don't hate me lol.

I feel unsafe so I am just going to..... zayn out of here. My chest and stomach hurts, and my back is aching. 

Vote please. Sorry for long author's note.


Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon