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Sarah Shaw

  To say that the woman was overjoyed that her dear son is finally having a child of his own is an understatement of the century. She had jumped up and down in glee when she had read his letter, for a moment forgetting all about acting "ladylike."

  She was even more excited when she found out who the mother was, not that she was particularly surprised. Robert had certainly made her proud. Being the one who raised Rosie and Robert, she could see the beautiful love they shared even before those two noticed it themselves.

   Ever the observer, she noticed how Robert would shy away from women like the plague. He was never one to flirt. She had always encouraged him to get married soon and have a family of his own, but he had freaked out and ran away.

   When they were gifted with little Rosie, Sarah could see that a new light had shifted for Robert. She would often watch her child with a small smile on her lips as Robert looked after Rosie. She was glad that in a way, Rosie was the reason why Robert had matured to the man he was today.

   Sarah had always thought that those two would match beautifully together. Believe her, she's never wrong at this type of match-making. After planning her tactics for years, to say that she was angry when it was ruined by Annie Haggerty is an understatement.

   Elizabeth had a good soul, one that was good for Robert's. She had always known. That fact was proven to be even more valid when Annie Haggerty fell in love with Robert. Sarah didn't necessarily blame her, Robert was a dashing young man.

What really pushed her heartstrings and temper was when Annie went to extreme lengths to get Robert's attention. To dressing up, acting proper, befriending Rosie (just to be around Robert), well, that was just about it. No one messes with her daughter and gets away with it!

   Silently, she prayed with all her heart that Rosie would come to her for help, but she did not. Instead, she watched as Rosie would give Annie a fake smile and encouraged her acts. She scoffed. That girl was sometimes too kind-hearted for her own good.

   So now, as they found themselves sitting in Rosie's tent, Sarah had a small yet proud smile on her face. They did it. Good lord, she couldn't wait until this baby was born. She was going to spoil him-or her rotten.

   She must've been staring at Rosie intently since the woman shifted uncomfortably under her stare. Noticing, she gave her an apologetic smile. Shifting her gaze to Rosie's stomach, she let a small smile appear on her face as she saw the small yet visible bump. Motherhood looked good on her, she was almost envious.

"So!" She started, making Rosie look up at her curiously. "Robert sure did manage his free time wisely."

   She managed to hold in her laugh as she watched Rosie's face turn a tomato red. Letting out a small cough, her hands rested on her stomach and looked down in embarrassment.

"Mother I..." Rosie started softly, making her heart melt. For years, she had always encouraged Rosie to call her "mother". Quite frankly, the woman was appalled that Rosie had been treated so horribly by her real parents. "I...."

  She smiled. "It's wonderful that you and Robert managed to get together."

  Looking up in shock, Rosie gave her a relieved look. "I had always thought that Miss. Haggerty was a better choice."

  Sarah scoffed. "Miss. Haggerty?" Oh please. Over my dead body. "No, Tosh darling. That girl has nothing on her other than the looks. Oh no, Robert deserves more than her. You, my dear, is perfect."

  Her words caused a small smile to appear on Rosie's face. "Thank you, Mother."

  "Right!" She exclaimed, grabbing a book on motherhood that was resting on the coffee table. "Now, your lessons shall begin."

"Wait, now?" Rosie asked, making her give her a look that read "obviously."

"Trust me dear, you will thank me when the time comes." Sarah dismissed the look of horror that had appeared on Rosie's face. She silently smirked to herself as she heard Rosie give out a sigh of defeat.

  Scooting closer, she started reading from the books that she had brought. Oh, this would be a long few hours.


  As much as she hated to admit, these lessons were not as dreadful as she had originally thought. The amount of information fascinated her so much that she had read through the mountain of books mother had brought.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sarah taking a sip of her tea. Letting out a small smile, she turned her attention back to the book she was reading.

  Suddenly, she let out a pained gasp and abruptly closed the book in her hands. Her right hand flew to her stomach as she groaned. She was briefly aware of Sarah frantically rushing over to her side.

"What is it, dear?" Sarah asked her, a hint of panic in her voice.

"It hurts...." She managed, her eyes slowly filled with tears. Crouching over on her knees, she felt a wave of nausea hit her. Oh dear God, no. Please not this.

  Letting out a small barf, she gripped the table, desperate for something to hold onto. "This baby is going to be the death of me." She said weakly.

"What is it you need?" Sarah asked, rubbing her back comfortably.

"Ro....Rob...." She softly called as her head swam in dizziness. She started panicking. This doesn't normally happen, does it? Tears sprang from her eyes as she started pathetically crying. "Robert." She whimpered.

"Hold on dear, I'll go fetch him for you." Sarah said frantically, but those words did not register in her mind. Argh, this is more torture than training. Why did Robert have to do this to her?

She didn't know how much time had passed, but she heard panicked voices appearing closer and closer to her tent. "Mother, what did you do?!" It was Robert. Glory Hallelujah!

"Son, I'm offended that you believe I did something!" Sarah.

"Good Lord, let's just hope we're not too late." Robert.

  The tent shuffled open and the girl felt like crying once again when she saw Robert frantically running over to her side.

"Rosie!" Robert cried, stopping over near her and kneeling down, placing his hand on her back. She instantly felt better. "What happened?"

She shook her head weakly, mumbled something and buried her head into his warm yet inviting chest. She snuggled closer to Robert and sniffled. "Robert." She whimpered pathetically. "Robert."

"Shhh...." Robert whispered soothingly, rubbing his hand on her back as he tried to get her to calm down. "I'm here, darling."

Robert glanced up and locked eyes with his mother who gave him a small, prideful smile and sneaked quietly out of the tent, allowing the lovesick couple to enjoy their love and youth while it lasted.


WOW, Another chapter done and done. I want as many ROSABETH moments as possible before things go downhill. I still have to figure out how I want this thing to end and who is going to die. You'll just have to wait and see!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. According to Google docs, this one chapter is 4 pages long. I'm feeling proud of myself LOL

HOPE you enjoy it!!


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