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  (A/N: Mention of sexual activity, kissing!! Slash! Be warned 

This chapter is dedicated to "Rainstar of LightningClan" on fanfiction.net, for this chapter is similar to one of her Glory one-shots. If she/he does not feel comfortable with this chapter, then I will take it down. P.S not everything in this chapter is copied to the tea. That's just ridiculous. Just her idea. Don't get mad at me.)

  She felt sick. Following the rest of the hours back at camp, the girl would not get out the constant feeling of dread. It clung onto her like a drug or an annoying pest that , try as she may, could not get rid of. 

  There was a tense air in the atmosphere that night, but the men refused to let that take over. Elizabeth watched from the distance with a soft smile on her lips as the group of soldiers sang songs, prayed, and having a jolly time.

   There was a part of her that wanted to join them, but that would be ridiculous. Firstly, she would not know a thing that's happening and second, she stood out like a black sheep. She snorted at that thought. Ha! The irony.

  Shaking her head, she pushed herself off the comfortable position she was in, leaning on a random tree and headed for Robert's tent, the music and joyous laughter fading farther and farther away.

  Stopping in front of Robert's tent, she paused. "Colonel?" Her voice cut through the night and she winced. "May I enter?"

    Silence. She heard shuffling of footsteps, before a shaky voice answered. "Of course, General." Shifting the flap to the side, her feet shuffled inside the warm yet inviting tent that was oh so Robert like.

  As her eyes zeroed in on her target, she felt her heart pang slightly at how Robert looked. There were dark circles under his eyes, his usual neatly kept hair was wild and messy. "How may I help you, General?" Stop calling me General, dammit.

  "You know what were to happen tomorrow, do you not?" She asked softly, regret filling in every inch of her tone as she sadly gazed at the man she loved. 

  "Yes." His voice came out strained, and Elizabeth wanted to go over and kiss the pain away, pulling Robert in her arms. She then shook her head at that idea. However, she could not help herself but to step closer to him and walk to where he was sitting, at his desk. He did not seem to mind.

  "Yet you still lead this attack?" She asked, placing a dainty hand on his shoulder. Robert let out a sigh.

  "You heard me on the beach, General." Robert said. "You yourself gave approval of it. As a friend, I pray that you will understand my motives." 

  She raised an eyebrow at that. "Friends? Are we just friends to you?" She asked, and Robert's blue eyes widened slightly in panic, realizing his mistake. He shot up from his chair so fast that she almost tripped over her own two feet.

  "I...." He stuttered. "I didn't mean that." 

   "I know Robert." Her voice teased, trying to lessen the tension that was filling the room. This caused his cheeks to flush a strawberry pink. Her smile soon vanished. "I understand your motives. I do. It's just...... what if you die?"

   "Then I die." He replied without hesitation. The girl felt her heart clench painfully. "As a Colonel, it is my duty to-"

  "Damn it Robert!" Rosie cried, pushing him slightly and started hitting his shoulder. He didn't even wince. "If you die, then I will die!"

   Robert grabbed her wrist and gave her a look, that, for once, she could not read. "General...... you must think of the outcome. The troops.... our nation.. our-"

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