Chapter 1

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A/N- Thank You for clicking on this story and I truly hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote as you read through!
This can be a stand alone read, but reading Unlocking Truths About Luna and The One Luna will help to answer many questions about the past you will read throughout this story.
This is a Mature story with mentions of sexual activity, violence, and cursing if you are not comfortable with this then please don't read any further.
Hope you enjoy!

 Hope you enjoy!

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"Again." My voice yells out to the warriors on the field.

I have been watching my warriors train for the last few hours. Over the time they went from good to sloppy. They are very ephemeral, I need them to last longer. If we was to have a war after a few hours to many of my warriors would fall.

I push my warriors just as I have always pushed myself. Since, Mom and Dad gave me the choice to become Alpha of our pack here at Dark River, I push myself in everything I do.

You are pushing them to their limit. Storm pipes up.

I roll my eyes at my wolf. Storm has always been very opinionated. Most days I just let her talk and don't even bother to repsond to her. Mom had said her wolf was the same in just popping up with what they want to say.

"Adira!" I hear my name being called.

Turning around to see Abbs running up to me. Abigail is my closest friend and Beta in our pack. We made so many heads turn when we took over the highest rank positions.

I had contemplated letting my younger twin brothers take the Beta position together. Abbs though has eyes for strategy, and is just as fearless as I am. My brothers, Andrew and Adam, even helped me to know it was just fine having Abbs as my Beta. My brothers help to pick up what Abbs and I can't do on our own.

Andrew took over the treasury aspect for the pack, letting Melissa move to being head cook. Which he was more than happy with because he is the math nerd in our family. As where Adam likes to go around and just pitch in with any work needed done, but loves cooking the most.

"You got a call coming in from your parents." Abbs says, coming up to me.

"I will go take it. Can you make sure they finish this round and then have them do some core strengthening exercises?" I ask her.

"You got it, Alpha." Abbs smirks, walking up the the front of the group.

I run into the pack house and up to the office. I left most of the decorations Mom had up when they was over the pack. Now, Mom and Dad are beyond happy to be traveling the world and going to different packs.

I just hope I can live up to be as good as they was as Alpha and Luna. I sigh, sitting down in the seat behind the desk.

I pick up the phone and talk with my parents for around an hour, before they had to go to catch another flight. I am happy for them to be able to enjoy retirement. Honestly, didn't know if they ever would.

It is not easy being Alpha and Luna at the same time. I await the day I meet my mate, to where it is a shared repsonsibility. Dad had me travel once I hit twenty to many packs within the country, but never found my mate.

If I don't find my mate by the time I am thirty, which is in five years, then I will just have to accept I am probably mateless.

Unlike Abbs who found her mate, which happened to be Zeke, Uncle Nathan and Aunt Layla's only child. I am happy for her, but sometimes seeing her happy with her mate since he came of age is hard. Zeke is only a little over a year younger than I am, so they have mates for a good six almost seven years.

I do pick on Abbs and Zeke together, because we all grew up close to each other. I will make them both blush a bright red, but it is all in fun games. Also, a way to hide the jealous side of me from everyone else.

The annual bonfire is coming up tomorrow night. It has been the staple for our pack for years. I always enjoyed it growing up, so I made sure to keep that tradition going once I took over Alpha as well.

Since being Alpha, we have gained even more warriors and now are at an impressive number of over four hundred in the ranks.

I rush down the stairs, ignoring the elevator Mom had Dad put in for the members if they wish to use. I just prefer the stairs, more of an exercise than using it. Plus, those things creep me out what happens if we lose power, I refuse to get stuck in one of them.

Rounding the corner, I walk into the kitchen. To see everyone is right in working on dinner for the pack. We make so much food to where everyone who wants to eat in the dining room can or they have the option to eat with their own families. Mainly the high rank wolves and warriors are in the dining hall, since most like to have private dinners with their own families.

I try to get in the kitchen as much as possible just to where members can find me in the evenings to talk if they want. That is how I juggle the Alpha and Luna roles. Mornings, I train and do paperwork. Afternoons, I am out in the open for anyone to approach me.

It is a switch I tend to flip everyday mornings hardcore Alpha and evenings the pleasant Luna for everyone. This is why I would love a mate too because the extra help would be wonderous. Maybe I could go to bed when I want to and not just pass out from pure exhaustion.

"Hey Adira. We are making some hamburger strongoff for tonight." Melissa smiles at me.

"That sound delicious." I smile at her and jump into helping Adam chop up some of the carrots that's being added.

"Did you get to talk to Mom and Dad?" Adam asks.

"Yup, they was boarding a plane to somewhere over seas." I laugh.

"They really are enjoying just having time to travel and everything else." Aunt Layla laughs.

"I don't want to know about my sister like that." Uncle Nathan laughs.

I shake my head at their crazy playing. I do love the fact some things have stayed the same through my life with my Aunt and Uncle. Melissa and Jason seem like family in a way with how they have always been around, too.

Andrew walks in and let's out a huge sigh. "Well, sis. Got all the treasury work done up for the day."

"Thanks." I smile at him.

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