Chapter 3

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I spend a lot of time walking through everyone gathered on the field

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I spend a lot of time walking through everyone gathered on the field. I am proud to say I have already spoke to around nine members that have came of age within the last year. Now, I just have to talk with another twenty four members.

Abbs has been right with me taking down where the new members would like to be placed. Most of the ones I have spoke with knew right where they wanted to be.

When they know where they want to be, I tend to nod and agree with them. They know themselves the best and I want each member to be happy. That is not to say later in life if they want to change paths, I am always willing to talk to them again. Happy members means happy pack.

My timing couldn't be any worse with the last two members to speak with. They was eating, so I walk around and will just come back to them once I see they are done. Both of them are mates having found themselves right out of school ending for them a couple of months ago.

A sour feeling spreads through me, thinking about how it seems easy for others to find their mates. Abbs has already left me to go see Zeke.

I have to stop the jealousy. Is there a button or something? It would be a lot easier.

Andrew and Adam attempt to sneak up behind me, but that doesn't work as I spin on them.

Tsking my tongue at my brother. "Need to be more clever than that." I wave my finger at them.

"Come on sis. You are a kill joy." Adam acts dramatic.

"You could loosen up just a tad." Andrew uses his fingers to show me.

Rolling my eyes at them.

"It should seem my dear brothers need some reminders on which sibling can get their butts." I raise a eyebrow at them.

"It won't hurt long." Andrew shrugs.

I shake my head at them and start laughing with Adam.

"The rare laugh." Adam chokes out.

I hit his arm lightly and he goes into his theatrics. Watching him fall to the ground, he is still the all so playful sibling.

"Come on big baby, that was not even that hard." I pull him off the ground.

"That is hot, Alpha. Picking up a grown man not breaking a sweat." Blaze speaks up to my side.

Blaze is the label for the player within the pack. I am honestly getting tired of his little snide comments.

Blaze isn't getting in my pants. Which is why he tends to get worked harder than most of the other warriors. If he has enough energy to act like this then he can do more training.

"Lay off, Blaze." I let it come out as a command behind my growl.

I just don't want to do anything with my pack members like that. Sure I am by no means pure, I guess you could say, having lost it during a business trip right before I became Alpha. Since becoming Alpha myself, I haven't done anything.

Besides, I wanted to see what all the hype about it was. Sure it was great all three minutes it lasted. Maybe it would be different being with my mate.

Right now though, I just don't have any time for any of that. I am busy enough with the pack.

I watch as Blaze runs off into the crowd again, no doubt looking for a new lay since I keep turning him down.

"Remind me why he is even in the pack." Andrew looks over at me.

"The only reason is because he is an exceptional warrior." I try to bite the growl back, but it comes out anyways.

I walk over to the two members I have left to speak with and it lasts less than five minutes.

Both already knew what they wanted. The female wants to train under Doc and become another pack doctor, which suits me because we could use more than one doctor. The male wants to join the warrior base. I accept both of the positions they are wanting.

Now, everyone can just enjoy their night. I plan to enjoy some of this time, that is for sure. Maybe Storm and I can even get in a midnight run?

I walk over to the table to get a plate of food, when my phone buzzing stops me.

Pulling it out to see a email address that I have never seen before. I put the plate back down on the table and walk off to the side of the bonfire.

I hit the button to open the email up. My eyes automatically go over it seeing the return address is a trash one with only one time using. Great, probably another spam.

I move my finger over to hit the delete button. Getting mad that I just wasted a few minutes with junk.

Right before I delete it, the message attached to the email catches my attention.

         Are you ready for me? The blame for one fallen comes back to bite, Alpha Elliot. 

What the actual hell is this? Who ever this is knows they were sending it to me, an Alpha.

Abbs, Andrew, Adam! I need you all over here by the bonfire. I link them all.

Not a second later, they all come jogging over to where I am. Keeping my voice low to where we are the only ones to hear, I tell them about the email.

"Let me see it. You say that it is just a trash email. I might be able to trace it still." Adam holds his hand out.

It is rare to see him in serious mood, so I hope he can trace the email. I hand him the phone.

"We haven't been the cause of any to fall. We have took some rogues down, sure but every pack does that. Dark River hasn't been in a battle since your parents was in rule." Abbs thinks over everything.

"Well that was a bust. Sure tracing it worked, but whoever it is the created this email is clever. It traces back to a cafe in a town out west, some where close to the pacific is all I got." Adam shakes his head, handing my phone back.

This is useless. The one thing I hate is to be is on the lesser side of knowing things. Patience is not my strong suit never has been and never will be.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Right when Adira was fixing to get some relaxing in something pops up.

Is this an email she should be leery of or just chalk it up to nothing?

Things are already starting to roll in and not taking it slow! Hope everyone is ready!

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