Chapter 25

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My mind is on overdrive

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My mind is on overdrive. We just completed the mate bond. Adira's emotions are flowing through me right now, and I am not sure how to decipher them.

I can already tell when she feels something, her emotions are strong.

Glancing around the room around taking in the decorations. There is some butterflies throughout the room but they were not many just enough to see them here and there. I do like the wallpaper she has up of a forest.

I must have said something, because Adira tells me how the forest is where she feels the most relaxed at. I am glad if she can't get out to the forest she does have her room to help relax, something I am noticing she doesn't get much of.

There is the feelings again for her. I have been growing feelings for Adira more and more, and it is not just because of the mate bond. I love how strong she is and not afraid to show it, no matter who it is. Being here in her room, seeing that she opened this up for me and me alone means so much to me. Adira hides herself so well, but underneath she has a heart of gold.

To think I almost ruined it. I am going to spend my everyday making it up to her, because she deserves the world.

A flutter comes through the bond and I can tell that Adira's feelings for me.

With the mate bond just flowing with emotions, I don't feel like we need to say the words out loud and Adira must feel the same.

"We need to shower, dinner will be called soon." Adira sighs.

I don't want to move, Adira is laying on my chest. The tingles are so addicting that I don't want to go without feeling them. Honestly, I want to be touching her all the time.

"That is because we just completed the mate bond." Adira says out loud.

"What?" I ask, she catches me off guard.

"You want to be touching me all the time." Adira lifts her head up to look at me.

"I didn't say it for you to hear though." I furrow my eyebrows.

"You projected your thoughts towards me. Mind link, Fredrick, you're now able to do that with me." Adira starts laughing.

I have never in my life done that.

"Oh, so how does it work?" I ask.

"Just project your thoughts to me and I will get them. There is quite a bit to talk about now. Guess we should have talked more about everything before we completed the mating bond, because there is a lot now that you need to know." Adira frowns, before getting up from the bed.

Watching her get up, a loneliness comes over me.

What did she means by talking, is she regretting completing it with me?

"Join me?" Adira's voice soft voice calls out.

Looking up, Adira stands completely naked in front of me holding her hand out.

I grab her hand and she guides us into her massive bathroom.

"You really have to stop worrying. If I didn't want to complete the bond, you would not have marked me and I wouldn't have marked you." Adira talks while adjusting the water.

That's a relief.

"Now, to keep from directing every thought to me." Adira spins towards me.

"Picture like a wall up in your mind. It needs to be something strong. Just to help keep every thought you have not coming to me. You need some privacy too." Adira teaches.

I can feel a mental snap or click. It is actually really weird.

"Very good! Now, when you want to tell me something in private you can just push the thoughts to me. That is the very first step to learning. So, I figure a learn as you go through this with me." Adira steps under the water.

I join her not wasting a second.

"You want me active with you in the pack?" I just need to hear her verify this with words.

"Yes. Fredrick you're my mate and I have no doubt in my mind that you can help me with the Alpha roll. The pack, our pack, will be welcoming even knowing what could have been. You have changed, you're not the same man you was that day at the borderline and I can tell. Abbs will help teach you where I may forget to explain something. Our beginning was rough, but I would like to think that the hate turned into something more. Well, what better story to tell everyone than the truth?" Adira goes from serious to teasing in a split second.

"I just don't want to show that I am that guy anymore. I can't stand myself, since I have found out the truth. I am willing to learn anything that comes my way. Also, to prove everyday I am good enough to be your mate, Adira. I didn't even do anything to earn forgiviness, but you and the pack have been more than welcoming. I have felt feelings I have never felt before. Here I feel like I belong, and care for everyone. Then the something more part, I think I am understanding why they say 'love sick pup' because I am starting to feel that way with you." I couldn't stop the words from coming out.

"Good!" Adira doesn't even rinse the soap off her body, as she jumps in my arms.

"I feel the same. It isn't completely love yet, but it is getting there." Adira whispers, pulling me in for a kiss.

I kiss her soft and gently savoring her. I want to take her right here in the shower again.

Adira tenses up in my arms, and pulls back from kissing.

Her eyes have a glaze over them.

"Dinner is ready in five minutes." Adira tells me after she blinked once.

I rinse off quickly once she got down. Adira is already done and drying off, throwing on her clothes.

"Everyone that is at the dinner hall tonight will know we marked and mated. They will smell the scent change. Are you ready?" Adira asks me once I am throwing on the same old pants on from before we, well anyways.

"Yeah, I am ready. I am not nervous to hide it. Are you?" I ask her.

"Nope. After dinner, we will have Abbs come with us and officially welcome you into the pack as well. Then you will be able to mindlink everybody too." Adira smiles, leaning up to give me a quick kiss.

Adira pulls me behind her to the door. Right before she opens it I feel her nerves come up a little.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Crap! Uhh... My parents are here. They know about you and the history behind you first coming here. Mom was happy we are mates, but Dad." Adira trails off.

It takes me a moment to register. Adira's dad was not happy apparently us being mates. Oh, fuck my life and not in a good way.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Ohh this is going to be interesting to see how this may go now for dinner!

Claire and Tyler are officially back! Who is excited about this?

Adira seems to be a little nervous and Fredrick is no better.

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