Chapter 19

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I stand by the wood pile

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I stand by the wood pile. This time though it is not the happy feeling going through my body, instead I am filled with sadness and anger for the guards lost.

My pack stands out in front of me and they seem to be feeling the exact same way.

"Members of Dark River. Tonight we are gathered for this bonfire to remember the ones lost from this morning attack. Each warrior was strong and fearless. They trained the hardest and was there for every call. Their lives will not be forgotten by me, by all of us. My heart is heavy with the loss." I stop, looking at the wood once more.

Storm surges forward to be with me in setting it ablaze. I feel when Storm takes over a little more and the flames swirl around to make shapes with how we are all feeling. Within the flames a heart can easily be seen, glowing brighter in the flames.

We work together as I control the fire and Storm works the air to create the scene in the fire.

I spin us back around, knowing my eyes are glowing green with Storm still up at the front with me.

"We will make sure that they rest easily with the moon tonight and forever, because we will make sure that the ones responsible and careless enough to do this will be brought down. As a pack we stand strong and will make sure our enemies know that. No one messes with my pack, our pack, and walks away freely." I pause, as warriors start snarling and growling in the night air.

"Tomorrow we train. Tomorrow we will become stronger so that anyone will think twice before coming after us again. We were taken off guard by this, but not again. Everything that is to come we will be as prepared as we can be."

The small amount of energy Storm and I had let out to start the bonfire and add in a little more, has helped to ground us better. I feel less than we was before starting the fire.

"Any of the family that has lost a love one today, please know that I am here for each and every one of you. Come to me to talk, cry, or scream, you will not be turned away. My arms and ears are always open. Please know my heart is with everyone." I finish up before stepping away from the fire, as I bring the flames back down to a normal level.

Abbs is quick to step up.

"That was well said. You done well both Alpha and Luna." Abbs nods to me.

"Thank you Abbs." I smile gently at my friend.

"Where do we start in the morning?" Abbs asks.

"Ah, that's what I love about you, always quick to the point. I got Fredrick coming to the fields at six when we normally start training. We will show him what my Mom taught everyone years ago, then how we have changed it up slightly. From there he will show up any new moves we may be able to do, because they don't just use magic anymore." I tell her.

Abbs nods, taking in all the information.

"Where do we stand on the paperwork side of things?" She asks.

"We would like to know as well." Andrew pipes up behind me, with Adam next to him.

I should have known my brothers are never far away.

"I have everything from today done. I am planning to stay up tonight and get in as much as possible. I have a feeling we need to be a few days ahead on that area, because training is going to be the main focus." I answer.

"We are in. Send things to our email boxes." Adam tells me.

"Us as well. We may be old, but we still remember how to do the paperwork side of things." Uncle Nathan chimes in coming up into the conversation with Alastair.

"Thank you guys so much. Besides, your not old. I hate that word 'old' I mean who puts that label on anything. I have seen both of you still kick butt, so that is not being old in my opinion." I huff.

"Just like your mother." Alastair chuckles.

"That is the truth." Uncle Nathan laughs.

I huff again and move over to the tables with the food. I see my members have plates and now it is time for me to gather up some food too. Need the energy for what is to come, even if I am truly not even hungry.

Fredrick has stood off to the side the entire time we have been out here. I have seen some of my warriors go up and talk with him. I seen some laughter happening, but it should seem he is just glued to that spot.

With the plate in my hands, I walk up to him.

"You can get a plate of food you know?" I ask and tell him.

"I don't know where I really fit in. Some of the warriors have been great, but I have also heard whispers about what I truly am and if I will turn like the traitors years ago." Fredrick frowns.

I take a deep breath of air. "Okay, first off people talk and gossip. No matter what I tell them or say, it is part of life. Secondly, my mate, if you was to even try I would take you down myself before you turn traitor. Third, I wouldn't have thought my mate was a big softy that didn't like a little talk about him." I raise my brow at him.

I watch as his chest puffs up.

"I am no softy. I could just show you how hard I am." Fredrick smirks.

"In your dreams only. I suggest a cold shower to help out the other." I tease, back.

I walk off to a table and sit down. It just hit me what I told him. I teased him! What is wrong with me? Maybe this mate bond is stronger than I thought it would be.

I watch as Fredrick joins some warriors and eat his food. The way his tongue moves to clean his lips, oh what it could do to me.

Stop it Adira. Although, his lips was soft, now is not the time to be thinking about any of that. My pack needs me to help lead them against this threat. 

Hey Hey Guys!!!

The pack bonfire for the mourning has happened.

Who is waiting to see how this training will go?

What are your thoughts on all the teasing between Adira and Fredick?

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