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Lumeo: Haha good luck Bill
Brooke: Good luck Dipper...NOW IMMA GO GET FREDDY *jumps into computer*
The Hufflepuff: Best of luck Loki
Loki: Ok how do I do dis?
Bill: *loads up title screen* Five Nights at Freddys? A horror game? It's just a bunch of furrys
Loki: Whatevs lets play
Bill: *starts game* Ok night 1
Dipper: Jeez this place looks creepy
Bill: Y'know what would be even more creepy?
Loki: What?
Bill: If we were actually in the game! *teleports Dipper, Loki, Lumeo, The Hufflepuff, and himself into game*
Bill: At least it's more fun
Loki: *looks around security office* *picks up monitor* Oh look, we can view the cameras through this thing
The Hufflepuff: Let me see that *grabs* Ok Bonnie and Chica are on the stage...but where the heck is Freddy?
Lumeo: FREDDY DOES NOT MOVE ON THE FIRST NIGHT *grabs monitor and frantically switches through cameras* oh here. *points to screen* Brooke found Freddy and they are back here in the parts and service room...
Loki: What are they doing?
Lumeo: Wtf they are watching a movie on an iPad
Dipper: Ok great for them, BUT IM TERRIFIED *grabs camera and skips back to show stage* ok all the animatronics are there.
Bill: How much power do we have?
The Hufflepuff: *checks monitor* 89%
Dipper: Ok good...but we need to get organized. Loki and The Hufflepuff, you guys take care of the right side door and lights. Lumeo and Bill, you two take the left. I'll watch the cameras.
The Hufflepuff: Hey guys, isn't there supposed to be a call from phone guy?
Lumeo: I dunno. Maybe we missed it?
Loki: Doesn't matter lets just survive.
Dipper: *looking through cameras* OH NO BONNIE MOVED OFF THE STAGE!!!! *frantically flips through screens* oh he's in the party room.
Loki: This is really creepy...what happens if he finds us?
Lumeo: We die
Bill: Well that's fun
Dipper: Oh no he moved again! *clicks through cameras* HES RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR!!!!!!
Bill: *presses light* Oh God no
Bonnie: Sup bros
Lumeo: GETTHEFUDGEOUT *closes door*
Bonnie: :( *forever alone*
Dipper: Ok that's good that he's under control...its 3:00 am and we have 69% battery
Lumeo: Haha 69....
Bill: *checks lights* he's gone
Lumeo: *Opens door*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 uneventful hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bonnie: Hi guys I'm back
Lumeo: NOOOO *reaches for button to close door*
Bonnie: *leaps at Lumeo and screams* GOT YOU *grabs her and drags her down the hallway*
Everyone: 😱
The Hufflepuff: There is nothing we can do now
Everyone: *hears Lumeo's screams as she is stuffed into an animatronic suit*. 😫
Dipper: ITS 5 O'clock we will survive!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A couple minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone: 6 O'clock yeahhhhhhhhh!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Night 2 begins~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill: What? It was 6 just a second ago! How is it suddenly 12 again?
Dipper: It's gonna reset 5 times. Because we are here for 5 nights
Bill: No......
The Hufflepuff: Let's try to not let anyone die this time.
Dipper: *checking cameras* Bonnie's already gone *wets pants* THIS IS TO MUCH FOR ME TO TAKE!!!!!
Bill: Keep it together Pine Tree...we got this.
The Hufflepuff: Bill, check lights is Bonnie outside?
Bill: *checks* nope
Dipper: It's only 1 and we have 85% this is bad
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A little while later~~~~~~~~~~~
Dipper: Huh Bonnie hasn't attacked yet...oh no but Chica left
Loki: We are so dead
The Hufflepuff: We got dis
Dipper: It's 4 am and we only have 20% thats not good
Bonnie: Hi! Sorry for stealing your friend
Bill: GO AWAY *closes door*
Bonnie: *presses face against window* *pulls out sharpie and writes 'brb' on window*
Bill: Da fudge?
Bonnie: *leaves*
Bill: *opens door* I HATE THIS
Loki: *checks lights* no Chica...yet
Dipper: Oh no the curtain in pirates cove is open....Foxy is peeking out
The Hufflepuff: *shivers* that fox is bad news *checks light* OH GOD NO
Chica: Pizza?
The Hufflepuff: AHHHHHH
Loki and The Hufflepuff: AHHHHHH
Dipper: *wets himself even more*
The Hufflepuff: AHHHHHHH
Chica: ? *grabs Loki* lets go eat Pizzaaaaaaaa *drags Loki down the hall*
Loki: *screaming and crying* TELL MY STORYYYYYYYYyyyyyy......
Dipper: It's 6 Am....time for night 3.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Night 3 begins~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dipper: Ok so what happens tonight?
The Hufflepuff: Bonnie will pop in the doorway more, Chica wonders around a lot but she shouldn't be to much of a threat, as long as she stays in the kitchen, and Foxy becomes more active.
Bill: I hate this
Dipper: Well you are the one that brought us here
Bill: Whatever what's happening at the stage?
Dipper: Oh shoot, Bonnie has moved!
The Hufflepuff: Nononono Bill check the lights!
Bill: *checks lights* we're fine
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At 1 am~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bonnie: Hi guys I'm back
Bill: NO *closes door*
Chica: I'm here to...and pizza!
The Hufflepuff: *screams and closes door*
Bonnie: LET ME IN
Dipper: Foxy is peeking out of the curtain
Bill: Go away Bonnie
The Hufflepuff: Chica is not leaving
Dipper: it's only 2 am and we only have 65%
Bill: That's decent
Bonnie: I'm not leaving
Bonnie: You will run out of power and I'll get you
Bill: NOOOOO *cries* whyyyyyy
The Hufflepuff: Chica left *opens door*
Bonnie: Fine I'll leave...
Bill: *opens door and checks lights* he's gone
Dipper: He and Chica went back towards the party room
Bill: How's Foxy?
Dipper: Let me ch-HES GONE
Foxy: *leaps through door and tackles Dipper*
Foxy: *grabs Dipper and races back down hallway*
Bill: *gives The Hufflepuff a mortified look*
The Hufflepuff: *gives Bill a mortified look*
Bill: *grabs the monitor and checks lights*
Bonnie: Hi guys lol your so dead
Bill: AHHHHHHH *closes door*
The Hufflepuff: HOW MUCH POWER??!!!!!! *checks light*
Bill: It's 5 we will be ok...we have 14 percent left
The Hufflepuff: Ok good
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 am comes and now it's night 4~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill: Ok night 4... We've made it this far and we're not giving up, right The Hufflepuff?
The Hufflepuff: Yeah...ok
Bill: *checks cameras* Bonnie is gone and Foxy is already peeking out
The Hufflepuff: I hate this
Bill: *checks lights* all is good *checks cameras* Bonnie is getting dangerously close
The Hufflepuff: Power and time?
Bill: 80% at 1 am
The Hufflepuff: Ok good
Bill: Shoot I think Bonnie's here *checks light*
Bonnie: Y U no like me?
Bill: *closes door*
The Hufflepuff: Is Chica on stage?
Bill: No
The Hufflepuff: *sighs* I hate Chica
Bill: I know
The Hufflepuff: Is Bonnie gone?
Bill: *checks lights* YEP *opens door*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile, in Pirates Cove~~~~~~~~~~
Brooke: Hey Foxy
Foxy: Hiya, lassie! What are ye up to?
Brooke: Nothing...but I can't find Freddy
Foxy: Ai, Lassie. Freddys got his business with them security guards to take care of. Why don't ye hang out with ol Foxy instead?
Brooke: Don't you have to catch the security guards to?
Foxy: I do, lass. I'll be right back *races away down hallway* Swiggity Swooty Foxy be coming for that booty
*reaches door*
Bill: FOXY IS HERE *closes door*
Foxy: *bangs on door* aight, laddie ye win *goes back to Brooke*
Brooke: Yay! Let's do nothing productive!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~back in the security guard office~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill: five am....were nearly there.
The Hufflepuff: Oh joy...glad Freddy hasn't shown himself
Bill: he's probably still hanging out with Brooke...she's lucky
~~~~~~~~~six am...time for the final night....Night 5 begins~~~~~~~~~~
Bill: Ok, we have to use our power very sparingly
The Hufflepuff: *nods*
Bill: Bonnie and Chica are gone, Foxy is peeking out and...oh gosh...Freddy is on the show stage
The Hufflepuff: WHYYYYYYYYY
Bill: Ok Bonnie is ready here
Bonnie: Don't lock me out
Bill: *closes door*
Bonnie: Fudge you
Bill: Go away
The Hufflepuff: Oh look...Chica decided to join the party
The Hufflepuff: *closes door*
Bonnie: Chica and I have tactics....we are just gonna wait here until your power is drained
Chica: And if I do that I get pizza!
The Hufflepuff: NOOOOO
Bill: *slumps down against door* why?!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at 3 am~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill: The power is at 4 percent....3.....2.....1..........0
*doors open and Bonnie and Chica laugh*
Freddy: *walks to the door and begins his music*
Bill: I'm done with your sh*t *walks over to Freddy*
The Hufflepuff: Jeez keep it pg, Bill
Bill: stfu *punches Freddy* Get the f*ck out of my way
The Hufflepuff: *gasps* wow.....and seriously keep it pg
Bill: *walks down hallway to Pirate Cove*
Foxy: arr ye matey! What are ye doing here?
Bill: Shut up...where is Brooke
Brooke: HIIIII
Bill: Come on, we are teaching these animatronics a lesson.
The Hufflepuff: *jumps out from behind Bill* YEAHHHHHHHH
Brooke: Can we not hurt Foxy or Freddy?
Bill: I'm fine with leaving Foxy alone, but Freddy needs the sh*t beat out of him
Brooke: Jeez keep it pg Bill
The Hufflepuff: That's what I said
Foxy: Ye landlubbers looking for ye friends?
Bill: Did you kill them?
Foxy: No...only Freddy knows where ye friends be at
Bill: Then let's go *heads back to security room where Bonnie and Chica are helping Freddy fix his jaw that Bill broke*
Brooke: Hi, Freddy!
Freddy: Brooke! What are you doing here? Foxy was supposed to be watching you
Brooke: Well....we kinda need to know where our friends are at....did you like kill them?
Freddy: no...
Bonnie: We hid them! And only one animatronic knows where!
Brooke: Who?
Bonnie: *nervously glances at Chica and Freddy* Golden Freddy
Brooke and The Hufflepuff: *gasp*
Bill: And how do we find him?
Bonnie: I'll tell you...as long as you don't hurt us like you hurt Freddy
Bill: fine
Bonnie: Go to that room over there *points* and look at the poster at the back, left side of the wall....if Golden Freddy is on it, come back to the security room, immediately....if not your friends are gone forever
Bill: *nods and runs to room*
Poster: *has GF on it*
Bill: *runs back to security room*
*limp body of Golden Freddy is on the ground*
Golden Freddy: Why have you summoned me?
Bill: four words. Give me my friends
Golden Freddy: Why?
Bill: Because I need them
Golden Freddy: Why?
Bill: So the fans can ask them questions and dare them
Golden Freddy: Why?
Bill: The the fans are entertained
Golden Freddy: Why?
Bill: So Lumeo makes people happy
Golden Freddy: Why?
Bill: Because she has no life
Golden Freddy: Why?
Bill: I dunno
Golden Freddy: Fair enough...*Lumeo, Dipper and Loki appear* ok here you go...*teleports Bill and his friends outside the game*
Bill: Let's promise to never do that again
Lumeo: I'm never doing anything.....ever again
Dipper: I need to go change my pants....
Loki: Ok guys....leave us another dare or a question....just please don't hurt us anymore
The Hufflepuff: I'm glad that's over
Lumeo: Wait, girls we still have to say who our favorite animatronic is
The Hufflepuff: I hate them all.....well I guess Golden Freddy was cool
Lumeo: I like Foxy

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