Well Then

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Jelsa-and-books-rock Dare her and Bill to fight to the death using gladiator weapons, no powers. Winner decides Huffles fate.
Bill: What! That gives you an unfair advantage!
Brooke: How?
Bill: I've only had a human body for a month and I still don't know how to use it properly
Brooke: Your a liar
Bill: And! I can only see out of one eye
Brooke: That's a shame
Lumeo: I wonder what is under Bill's eyepatch...QUICKLY SOMEONE DARE HIM TO SHOW US!!!
Bill: Don't you dare
Brooke: Anyway, let's do this!
~~~~~~Caution: Gore is Ahead so like watch out~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Third Person Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill and Brooke stood 20 yards apart in the middle of a large gladiator stadium. The others sat in the stands of the large arena, waiting for the battle to commence. People rooting for Bill sat in the left half of the large stadium, and those rooting for Brooke in the right. Lumeo, Vincent, Rocket, and Cookie sat on Bill's side. (Lumeo had bribed them with sweets, and Vincent just liked Bill in general)
Fandom, Loki, Dipper, Foxy, and The Hufflepuff sat in Brooke's side. Suddenly a loud voice sliced through the still air. Mabel stood upon a tall pedestal, announcing what was happening.
"Each of the contestants will choose a suit of armor, a shield and a weapon. Tributes, look behind you and choose carefully." Mabel's voice rang out.
Brooke turned, and quickly grabbed a silver chest plate. Tossing it over her clothes, the strapping the back on. (It's one of those bra-like chest plates you see in movies with warrior girls) Then she grabbed a light shield with a large red B on the front. Studying the weapons carefully, she chose a battle axe. It was quite light but very efficient.
Bill, on the other hand quickly grabbed for a golden chest plate. (His is like the one that goes only around the whole chest and that's it) Slipping it on, he grabbed a light shield with a triangle on the front. Picking up a heavy sword, he turned to face Brooke.
"Let the battle commence!" Mabel called.
Brooke and Bill both ran at each other, weapons raised. Bill swung his sword at Brooke's leg, as she leaped up. Raising the axe above her head, she prepared to swing it down on him. Bill ducked beneath his shield as he heard the satisfying clang of the axe hitting the shield. With a smirk, he pushed on his shield, hitting Brooke and throwing her off balance. Brooke stumbled backwards, losing her grip on the axe. The weapon went flying through the air, and with a sickening thud, sliced into Bill's right arm. With a gasp of pain, he dropped the sword and stumbled back in shock. Brooke took this moment to regain her footing. Swiftly grabbing Bill's sword, she swung it at the vulnerable demon. Bill, still in shock from the red blood pouring from the wound noticed Brooke all to late. He stepped back, but the sword's blade caught on his jaw. As Brooke's powerful blow hit him, he yelped in pain as a loud crack was heard. In the stands, Lumeo grimaced. His jaw had obviously been broken.
Bill tried recollecting himself, and tossed the shield at Brooke. She was not expecting a huge shield to come flying at her face, so it caught her completely off guard. She fell back as the shield hit her square in the chest. Luckily the chest plate blocked most of the pain. Bill grabbed for his sword and worriedly glanced at the blood streaming down his right arm. He leaped at Brooke, bringing the sword down on her stomach. Brooke rolled but not fast enough. Blood began spewing from the slash in her side. She frantically kicked out, hitting Bill in the shin. With a howl of pain he fell to the ground. Blood gushed out of the two injured teens wounds, as they frantically grabbed at their weapons. Brooke kicked Bill's sword and it spun around, slashing Bill in the thigh. A puddle of blood began forming around his body as he desperately grabbed at Brooke's battle axe. But she had already grabbed it. Situating herself on her knees, she swung the battle axe at Bill, not caring where she hit him. And the crowd let out a gasp as the axe made contact with Bill's head. Have you ever seen a watermelon be shot with a gun? Well that what it looked like. Bill's skull collapsed under the pressure of the axe. Brooke gasped, horrified at the shattered remains of what was once the young dream demon's head.
"Uh...we have a winner." Mabel announced, looking as if she was going to puke at the gruesome sight that lay before her eyes. Let's just say that most of the people in the stands had already done so.
And Lumeo looked mortified.
She just sat there, gaping. Tears ran down her face, and horror pierced her gaze.
"Brooke gets to decide Huffle's fate." Mabel said quietly.
"The Hufflepuff gets to live...and she gets cake." Brooke said, weakly. Her large wound still released blood onto the dirt as she stared at the remains of Bill's head.

So who here is traumatized?

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