Tracking Le Avengers

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Lumeo: I'm bored.
Loki: Shut up.
Lumeo: I'm boooooooooored
Lumeo: I'm booooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeed
Loki: Then let's do something.
Lumeo: Like what?
Loki: I don't know what you have here to do on Midguard.
Lumeo: *sighs* Yea me neither.
Loki: But you live here.
Lumeo: Yea. So?
Loki: *Facepalms* Ok then, let's make another chapter in your studio.
Lumeo: Ok. *Gets Cameras Ready*
Loki: Ok then now what.
Lumeo: *squeals* Oh, I know! Lets put a tracking device on each Avenger! Then we can see what they do in their spare time.
Loki: Ok. I guess.
Lumeo: *grabs phone and calls the Avengers* Ok they are coming soon.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lumeo: Ok they are here!
Loki: I'll attach the trackers.
Thor: *walks in* Hello, Lady Lumeo. Why have you brought us here?
Lumeo: I have a are potatoes blue?
Loki: *attaches the tracker*
Thor: What is a potato?
Lumeo: OK THANK YOU GOODBYE!!! *Pushes Thor out if the room*
Steve (Captain America): Hey, what's up Lumeo! And OMG is that Loki?
Lumeo: NOPE THATS NOT LOKI! *Shields Loki's face*
Steve: Okeee.
Lumeo: What is a pig?
Loki: *Attaches tracking device*
Steve: Pork.
Lumeo: OMG WHY WOULD YOU EAT THE PIG HUH? OK BYE! *pushes him out of the room*
~~~~~~~~~~~Ten minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lumeo: Ok did you attach the devices?
Loki: *nods* yes.
Lumeo: Ok next chapter will be what we see from the trackers.

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now