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Bill: You consumed a 590 calorie drink?!?!!?
Lumeo: But it was so good....
Dipper: You are crazy
Lumeo: But it was mint chocolate chip....
Loki: No wonder your so *cough* fat *cough*
Bill: How dare you! She is a lady don't disrespect!
Loki: Like you are a gentleman
Bill: I wear a top hat and bow tie for Heaven sake!
Loki: So?
Bill: At least I didn't murder innocent people to try and take over the world you power hungry jerk
Brooke: ooh burn
Loki: At least I tried...and I was beaten by 6 super were taken down by two kids and a man baby
The Hufflepuff: You go Loki!
Bill: That's besides the point....anyway, they were in the dreamscape where they had unlimited power
Loki: And you had unlimited power as well then
Bill: yeah well I ended the fight because it was going no where
Lumeo: *still drinking her drink*
Loki: And besides losing to some kids you wear the ugliest clothes
Bill: That has nothing to do with anything but how are they ugly?
Loki: Yellow? Really? Yellow is the ugliest color illuminati boy.
Bill: Yellow is my favorite color and don't you dare call me that.
Loki: What's wrong Dorito demon?
Bill: Shut up
Loki: Your ugly and worthless
Bill: At least I wasn't disowned by my family....twice
Loki: At least I had a family
Bill: How dare you
Loki: What's wrong? You wished you had someone to love you? Bill accept the fact that no one likes you. You are ugly. You are stupid. You are unloved. You are worthless.
Bill: I-I-wha-
Brooke: Loki, I admit that was kind of mean
The Hufflepuff: Yeah, you don't have to be so mean
Lumeo: I love Bill and I don't think he's worthless
Vincent: *eating popcorn* This is amusing
Loki: Oh so now your siding with him?
Brooke: No...but you were being really rude
The Hufflepuff: No
Lumeo: Of course!
Bill: Whatever. Lumeo lets go back to the dreamscape....AND STOP DRINKING THAT *slaps drink out of Lumeo's hands*
Lumeo: Aw I wasn't finished
Bill: *teleports both him and Lumeo to the dreamscape*
Brooke: Well that happened
The Hufflepuff: Uh well leave a question or dare....Lumeo and Bill might not be here next episode....

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now