Flag Death Part 6

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Cookie's Point of View~~~~~~~~
I proudly laid Brooke's flag next to The Hufflepuff's. Two flags down. Lumeo's to go. If I could find her flag....my team wins. Unless everyone had died, and one person remained. Then the person from the remaining teams team would win. Knowing that only Rocket was dead was a relief. My whole team was here. Except for Rocket. I miss him.
Time to find the last flag.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Hufflepuff's Point of View~~~~~~~~~
Dipper and I stopped as we heard a sound behind us. I readied my wand. The bushes shifted, and Bill pushed his way out.
"Aveda Kadreva!" I yelled. A blast of light came out of the tip of my wand....just as Dipper lunged at Bill. The blast hit Dipper, and he fell back, dead. Bill had the most horrified look on his face.
"Uh...oops." I muttered. Bill looked at me. With one swift movement, he lunged forward, piercing his knife through my stomach. I let out a yelp of pain, and dropped my wand. Blood rapidly began pouring out of my stomach. And then Bill ended it with a swift slice to the neck.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~
I glared down at The Hufflepuff's body. Then I sent a quick blast of fire at Dipper. Dead. Three people now remained. Cookie. She was representing Hufflepuff's team. Brooke. She represented her own team. And me. I represented Lumeo's Team. Now that there was one tribute from each team, I had to win. I had to. Suddenly a loud yell sounded from the bushes ahead. It sounded like Cookie's. I quickly raced down to where Brooke sat, in front of Cookie. Cookie's throat was slit. Only Brooke and I remained. She glanced at me and stood up.
It was time for the final showdown.

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