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Lumeo: Excuse me? Can I give up on beating night 6?
Bill: No
The Hufflepuff: You can do it!
Brooke: YOU WILL BEAT IT!!!!
Vincent: I hate that game...
Lumeo: Guys you won't believe what happened
Dipper: Hm?
Lumeo: So I'm playing night 6 and my brother is sitting next to me playing Minecraft and I made it to 4 am and I'm really excited. So I look up just for a second off my screen and I see this massive bug crawling along my bed. I freak out, poke my brother and point to the bug, he screams so loud I thought he shattered my ears, then he races out the room. I'm already freaking out when Foxy decides to jump scare me, so now I'm basically in tears. I screamed MOMMY DADDY HALP!!!! As loud as I could like a 5 year old. Luckily my dad took care of that bug. He is a brave man.
Vincent: Hahahaha that sucks. How big was the bug?
Lumeo: About the size of 3 quarters
Bill: nopenopenopenopenope

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