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Lumeo: This dare is from me! Everyone has to kiss on the lips the person they hate the most! :)
Brooke: You mother f-
Brooke: ?
Lumeo: I will start...*grabs Steve* I hate your face *kisses*
The Hufflepuff: You. Hate. Steve. No. I. Will. Fucking. Stab. You.
Steve: *blush*
The Hufflepuff: Whatevs me next *grabs Vincent* You are stupid and ugly
Vincent: I know you love me
The Hufflepuff: *kisses*
Vincent: *passionately kisses back*
The Hufflepuff: *pulls away* EWWWWW
Cookie: I hate rocks *picks up rock* Fuck you rock *kisses*
Lumeo: Okayyyy
Fandom: I don't exactly like Dipper...
Lumeo: You have issues
Fandom: *kisses Dipper* yuck
Lumeo: Bill, and Brooke your go
Brooke: No. I refuse.
Bill: I refuse as well.
Lumeo: Do it
Bill: *sigh* *kisses Brooke*
Brooke: BLAH

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