Demon Brooke

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Jelsa-and-books-rock Dares Bill to summon Demon Brooke to help win Lumeo back from...the grape
Lumeo: Wait but I still love you Bill more than Vincent
Bill: Too bad *leaves studio* *goes to Brooke's room*
Brooke: Gtf out
Bill: Please don't kill me *pulls out dagger*
Brooke: what are you doing?
Bill: *slices Brooke's arm*
Bill: *squeezes out a drop of blood* *chants* eeht nommus, eeht nommus, eeht nommus, eeht nommus!
Brooke: You didn't just summon demon Brooke?
Demon Brooke: Sup Cipher! Thanks for freeing me
Demon Brooke: Let's go kill Vincent
Bill: Why didn't I think of that?
Vincent: *comes it* Someone say mah name?
Demon Brooke: *shoots dark magic* *kills Vincent* And the deed is done. Bye
Bill: Byyee!
Lumeo: You didn't just kill my friend
Bill: It was demon Brooke
Lumeo: Wha-Why?! *begins crying* Vinny and I were great friends
Bill: And I fucked up *leaves*
Brooke: Well that happened.

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora