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Brooke: I will murder Bill
Bill: *high pitched scream*
Lumeo: We have yet another new member
Bill: Wait! We have way to many people already!
Lumeo: Well she's the last one I promise...Introducing...CallMeFandom
Cookie: Sup
Lumeo: She also gave us a dare and question
Fandom: Yup! I said:
Vincent! I dare you to date a girl! And Bill how old are you, you dinosaur?
Vincent: Mkay. I'll date...I dunno. Toy Chica
Toy Chica: *squeal*
Vincent and T Chica: *go on date*
Lumeo: Okayyyyyy then
Fandom: So Bill?
Bill: First off I'm not a dinosaur
Fandom: Yes you are
Bill: Second off, my age matters not
Fandom: Yes it does
Lumeo: Answer it...you have to
Bill: I was created before your mortal brains could even begin to comprehend the secrets the world and outer worlds held
Lumeo: Wat
Fandom: So you are old as time itself?
Bill: No...but let's just say I'm older than your great grandparents...which is still quite young for a Dream Demon

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