Flag Death Part 5

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cookie's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~
I raced through the dark night. Looking. Looking for my next....victim.....my prey. I was the Hunter. And soon someone would become the hunted. My feet raced, soundlessly across the grass. My keen eyesight helped in this dark forest. I would soon avenge Rocket....even if it meant killing EVERYONE. Suddenly a flash of color caught my eye. I skidded to a halt. A small red object lay beneath a bush. My frown turned into a grin. I had found it...
Brooke's flag. I swiftly grabbed it, and turned around. I had to bring it back to my base, to save it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Brooke's Point of View~~~~~~~~
A grin spread across my face, as I heard the sound of crunching leaves ahead. I had already seen the flash of yellow, and heard his voice. It was Bill and Lumeo. Time to make a kill. I smirked at Fandom.
"He's mine." I snarled. Fandom nodded, and backed away. I clenched my dagger in my fist. Then at a speed swift as lightning, I lunged through the bracken and on top of Bill. He let out an annoyed howl, and whipped around. I quickly grabbed his neck, pushing him to the ground. I raised my dagger. I prepared to strike. He struggled in my powerful grasp. No getting out of this, Cipher. I could hear Lumeo and Fandom fighting behind me. All was good.
"Any last words you wretched little beast?" I snarled at Bill. He hissed at me. Hatred and malice glowed in his single eye. I smirked at him.
"Poor baby Bill. Can't escape from his death." I swung my knife down, and it collided with something. I heard a sickening crack as it hit...oh...my...God....it hit Lumeo's skull. She...she dived in the way. Her blood spurted all over me. I stumbled back. Bill had a mortified look on his face. I turned to see Fandom, laying dead on the ground. A dagger stuck out of her chest.
"N-no!" I raced over to her body, while Bill cradled Lumeo's. I had killed my friend. Lumeo had killed a friend. I guess we were just trying to win...and it drove us to this. I pulled Lumeo's dagger out of Fandom's chest, and angrily swung it at Bill.
"YOU IDIOT!!!" I yelled. "SHES DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!" He glared at me.
"YOUR THE ONE WHO ATTACKED ME!!!!!" He snarled back. I lunged at him again, but quick as a hawk he scooped up Lumeo's body and raced into the forest.
"COWARD!!!!" I shrieked at him.

~~~~~~~~~~Bill's Point of View~~~~~~~~
I raced through the forest, tears streaming down my face. Brooke....killed Lumeo. The one person who I had ever trusted. The one person the accepted me for who I was....dead. I blindly ran. Faster, faster. Holding Lumeo's limp body. Brooke will pay for this.
Finally I stopped. Panting, I set Lumeo's body gently down on the forest floor. I grabbed a small flower that was growing at the base of an oak tree, and set it on Lumeo's chest. I sadly glanced at the necklace around Lumeo's chest. The one I gave her. The crystal on it was grey. And grey meant dead. I sadly stared at her limp body, tears running down my cheeks. A flash of light appeared in the night sky, illuminating my face. Two people appeared in the sky. Two fallen people.
Fandom and Lumeo.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Hufflepuff's Point of View~~~~~~~~~
I stared sadly at the sky as the two faces appeared. That of Lumeo and Fandom's. They had died. I sadly sighed. Only Brooke, Cookie, Dipper, Bill and I remained. Five people. Four would be dead soon.
And I really hoped it wouldn't be me.

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