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Lumeo: Hahaha this is funny
The Hufflepuff: What?
Lumeo: Ok my little bro, dared all the boys to face their worst each guy has to go into a room with the thing in it for five minutes
Brooke: YAY
Fritz: Do I have to participate?
Soos: Or me?
Lumeo: Nope. Only Loki, Dipper, Bill and Vincent
Loki: Oh no
Brooke: Make Bill go first
Bill: Why do you hate me?
Lumeo: Ok The Hufflepuff put a dreamcatcher in that room, GO
Bill: *sigh* Ok *goes in* Oh God no...TO MANY DREAMCATCHERS *curls up in a ball* They can't hurt you....they can't move....*stays in their for five minutes*
Lumeo: Hey you did it!
Bill: *runs away*
Vincent: Do I have to go next
The Hufflepuff: Yep!
Brooke: *spreads needles throughout the room*
Vincent: Whyyyyyyy?! *sits in the middle of the room* AHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO *runs to door*
Brooke: *locks door*
Vincent: *banging on door* NOOOOOOOOO *five minutes of abuse later* LET ME GO *crying* please
Lumeo: *opens door* your free
Vincent: *takes a step out of the room* *collapses* *sobbing*
Brooke: This is funny....seeing how manly you guys really are
Lumeo: Ok Dipper next
Brooke: Awww poor Dipps
Dipper: I'm not really scared of anything
Lumeo: *sarcastic look*
Dipper: ok well Bill creeps me out
Bill: Oh this shall be fun
Dipper: :(
Bill and Dipper: *go into room*
*five minutes of Dipper screaming later*
Bill: hahahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahhahahhahhah
Dipper: You tried to stab me with a knife! No!
Bill: Well it was funny
Brooke: *really angry* You do realize we seen everything you did...we watched you try to freaken murder Dipper! And now...I'm gonna murder you *lunges at Bill*
Bill: *flies* yeah good luck
Loki: Well I guess it's my don't like the hulk
Lumeo: Who does?
The Hufflepuff: Uh... Could we use something less dangerous?
Loki: But he's the only thing I'm scared of
Lumeo: You will regret this
Loki: *goes into room*
Hulk: I HATE YOU PUNY GOD!!!!!!! *lunges at Loki*
Loki: *girly scream*
*five minutes of Loki getting smashed to pulp later*
Loki: *dying* What is air?
Lumeo: Ok while we deal with a heartbroken Hufflepuff you guys leave some questions or dares

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now