Goodbye, Gertie

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So...hi guys...I have my wifi back but I'm so depressed...😢
So...Mother's Day... I wake up and get dressed....the usual, then my mom comes into my room, crying. She tells me that we are taking our 17 year old cat to the vet....and he might not come back. He's old and sick so...Then my dad asked if I was coming. I said ok, so we got ready to go. I was crying a ton, and so were my brothers and parents. My dad and I were the only ones going to the vet. So we loaded Gertie (that's my cat's name) into the van and left. We brought him to a clinic, and they took him to an oxygen cage, and went to inspect him. My dad and I waited in the waiting room, still crying. We waited for about twenty minutes, then the vet called us in. Her first words to us were:
"He is really sick." And at that point my dad was bawling. We knew it was time...time to put him down. After a long chat about what was wrong with him and if maybe we could save him...we finally decided it was best to...yeah.... So the vet led us into a comfy little room with a couch. We sat down and she brought us my beloved cat, all wrapped up in a blanket. He had something around his wrist that the vet said not to touch. Then she handed him to me, and left. My dad and I just cried and cried. We said are goodbyes, we kissed him, we told him how much we loved him. We told him how much we'd miss him. I hugged him. Then the vet came in. She injected something into the thing on his wrist, and he fell asleep. I laid his head against my chest, still stroking his fur. Then she injected something else...and checked his heartbeat. No pulse. My cat was dead. I didn't know what to do....I just cradled him. I never wanted to let go. I loved him more than anything in the world. And now he's gone.
I thought I knew what pain was...but I had no clue. Pain is tears upon tears and the horrible reality of knowing I'll never see him again. Never pet his soft fur. Never hear his cute little mew. Because he was gone. Pain is nothing when it's physical. But when it's emotional...
I always cry when people tell me about pets dying...but I never realized how much it hurt to see them go. And you will never know either...until you are the one holding your pet in your arms...and....watching him die right before your eyes. I will forever miss my precious Gertie. I will never forget him. Ever.

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