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Brooke: Um...guys I think we lost Bill
Vincent: Yeah, we checked the house, the studio, the backyard...we even called Lumeo!
Brooke: Oh wait I found him *points into Lumeo's room*
Bill: *crouched in the closet*
Vincent: How did we not notice him before?
Brooke: Bill?
Bill: *edges away from Brooke* noooo
Brooke: Bill I'm sorry for being so mean to you...
Bill: *whimpers* Your lying
Brooke: No I'm not! I really am sorry!
Bill: How do I know if I can trust you?
Brooke: *randomly gets gigantic box of Doritos*
Bill: *smiles* You've convinced me! I'm sold!
Brooke: Frenimies? *holds out hand*
Bill: Frenimies *shakes hand*
Vincent: And that was when the two young teens realized they were in love
Bill: No. Just no.
Brooke: Vincent shut up

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