Oh. My. Potato.

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ImmaHuffelpuff Dares Bill to take Lumeo on a romantic date and get her something special and romantic
Brooke: Bill? Romantic? Hehe he's the freiken devil. Not gonna happen
Bill: Shut up
Lumeo: *hasn't heard the dare* Sup guys!
Bill: Hey Lumeo...I was wondering if you would like to...uh...
Brooke: *snickers*
Bill: Come on a date with me tonight?
Lumeo: YES BILL!!!!!!
Bill: Ok, meet me back here at 5 and I'll take you out
Lumeo: *squeal*
*2 hours later*
Bill: *in yellow tux with top hat and bow tie (of course)*
Lumeo: *comes down hallway* *in crystal blue dress with a little black bow tie*
Bill: W-wow you look...stunning
Brooke: This is amusing for some reason
Lumeo: Thanks, Cipher. You look pretty fabulous too!
Bill: Ok, my lady, we shall be off *grabs Lumeo's hand* *teleports to fancy restaurant*
Lumeo: Wow it's pretty here
Bill: Yep. I know, that's why I chose it
Lumeo: Ok let's get our table!
*gets table and sits down*
Waitress (Who is actually The Hufflepuff in disguise): Hello! I will be your waitress for the evening. Can I start you off with some drinks?
Bill: Water please
Waitress: Ok then, I will return with your drinks shortly! *goes into kitchen where Brooke and the others are at*
Cookie: So...?
The Hufflepuff: They are so cute together! Although Bill's a bit awkward around Lumeo
Fandom: That's because he's awkward
Cookie: So true
The Hufflepuff: Ok I gotta bring them drinks! *grabs drinks* *brings them to the couple*
Bill: Thanks
Lumeo: I love hot chocolate on a cool night like this!
The Hufflepuff/Waitress: Are you guys ready to order?
Bill: *glances at Lumeo*
Lumeo: *nods*
Bill: Uh...yeah. I will have...the Parmesan Chicken
The Hufflepuff/Waitress: Ok I'll be back shortly
Bill: So...how's this night been so far
Lumeo: Awesome because I'm getting food
Bill: Hehe of course. Food is like your favorite thing
Lumeo: Yup...also this night has been special because it was you who asked me out!
Bill: *blushes* Yeah
Lumeo: Is it weird being on Earth? Not in the Dreamscape
Bill: It's a bit strange, but in the Dreamscape I was lonely. Here I have you.
Lumeo: *madly blushes*
Brooke: *watching from kitchen* Wow smooth moves Bill
Cookie: *laughs*
Bill: Lumeo...Every time I see you, you brighten my day. With your beautiful crystal blue eyes and shiny blonde hair...your just stunning....and always cheerful. And it makes me happy to see you happy
Lumeo: *blushing so hard like wow*
Bill: You, truthfully make my heart flutter when I see you
Lumeo: I-I have always felt the same way...
Bill: Oh really?
Lumeo: *nods*
Bill: I had a suspicion you did
Lumeo: 😊
The Hufflepuff/Waitress: Here's your food!
Lumeo and Bill: *eat food in silence*
*after food is finished*
Bill: Lumeo, come with me *gently takes Lumeo's hand and leads her to the garden in the front*
Lumeo: *sits on the edge of a fountain in the garden*
Bill: I have a small gift for you *pulls small blue box out of pocket*
Lumeo: *takes box* *opens it* Oh. My. Gosh. *pulls out a silver necklace with a large gem in the middle*
Bill: Haha yes. This gem is special. Only found in the Mindscape. It changes depending on mood...and it's not like those cheap 'mood rings' you mortals have...it actually works
Lumeo: *puts on necklace* *gem turns pink*
Bill: Hehe that color symbolizes love
Lumeo: Thank you Bill *hugs Bill*
Bill: Aw, your welcome *hugs Lumeo*
Lumeo: And now it's time for my gift to you...*kisses Bill on the lips*
Bill: *surprised* *kisses Lumeo back*
Cookie, Fandom, Brooke and The Hufflepuff: *snapping pictures like crazy*
Lumeo: Thank you, Bill
Bill: You are welcome. Now let's head home *takes Lumeo's hand*
The Hufflepuff: I think I ship LuCipher now

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