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Lumeo: People who like Loki should not be pissed off at Vincent for killing 5 children
Bill: *not really paying attention* Mhm
Brooke: Why?
Lumeo: Because Loki killed 90 people as stated in the Avengers...and how many did Vince kill? 5. Loki killed 18 times as many as Vincent
Brooke: .......
Lumeo: So all you people who hate Vince for that but love Loki....consider that. And I don't want to hear anyone say: Oh but Vince killed children and Loki killed only adults! Because that's bullshit. It was never stated that Loki killed only adults
Bill: Profanity Lumeo
Lumeo: Shut up
Bill: Mm sassy today?
Lumeo: Stfu

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now