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Lumeo: No. Just stop. Directioneers can you not!?
Bill: Hm? What are you ranting about
Lumeo: I'm so damn done
Bill: Profanity, Lumeo
Lumeo: No. Don't Bill
Bill: Whatevs
Lumeo: I'm ranting about the stupid Directioneers
Bill: Here we go again
Lumeo: The reason most people like One D is because the members are cute. They don't care for their music as much as they do for their looks. And One D has little to no musical talent. I mean, Night Changes is a good song I guess...but that's it. And it pisses me-
Bill: Profanity
Lumeo: SHUT UP!! It angers me when people only care for One Directions looks. So the other day, I was talking to a friend about Imagine Dragons, my favorite band, and I showed them a picture of the band members and she goes: "OMG they are so ugly! Why do you even like them?!"
Bill: Profanity
Lumeo: Shush. Anyway, I wanted to slap the shit out o-
Bill: Profanity
Lumeo: I WILL STRANGLE YOU, DEMON!!! Anyway, I wanted to slap her so hard. There is a reason they are a band. Because they have musical talent. I could give fewer fucks ab-
Bill: Profanity
Lumeo: I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DONT STOP!!!!!!! I could give less cares about what they look like. I don't care if they are the sexiest men alive or the ugliest. They have talent and that's all that matter! So people who like a certain band just because they are cute. Fuck off.
Bill: Profanity
Lumeo: You will die when I'm done ranting. The reason I listen to music is because I like it. Not because I care what the band members look like. No. They have talent. So just stop. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a certain demon to strangle
Bill: Come on, Lumeo you wouldn't
Lumeo: I'm going to
Bill: But come on, I'm sick today 😓
Lumeo: I don't care. Maybe you should have thought about your health before consuming 100 bags of Doritos in 2 hours
Bill: But it was worth it....

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