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Jelsa-and-books-rock dares everyone to play capture the flag...with war paint and blood
Lumeo: Ok we'll split up into three teams...Brooke you lead red team, The Hufflepuff you lead green team, and I'll lead blue team...choose your players...
The Hufflepuff: Cookie!
Brooke: Fandom!
Lumeo: Bill!
The Hufflepuff: Dipper!
Brooke: Loki!
Lumeo: Vincent!
The Hufflepuff: Rocket
Brooke: Foxy
Lumeo: Uh...I'll just have Bill and Vinny...I don't want a fourth member...lets go!
Bill: *teleports everyone to large forest*
Lumeo: Ok, so this match is to the death
The Hufflepuff: Wat
Lumeo: *hands everyone knives* Muhaha! Steal the opponents flag, bring it back to your base without death! Simple as that!
Brooke: And may the odds be ever in your favor *hands each team one flag* Go hide them...good luck! The killing starts in 5 minutes! *dashes off with team behind her*
The Hufflepuff: Ok team! They are setting up their flag! Lets go do ours *runs off with team*
Lumeo: Ok, let's go
*5 minutes later*
*in Brooke's base*
Brooke: Ok the flag is stashed under a bush! Loki, stay in this area and protect it! But don't lead anyone to close to it. Fandom, Foxy and I are going...hunting. *pulls out knife* Fandom, you go left, Foxy take the right, and I'll go straight
*in The Hufflepuffs base*
The Hufflepuff: Sweet! They'll never reach it in a tree! Good idea, Dipper.
Dipper: Thanks
The Hufflepuff: I think it's hidden well enough...lets go. We'll split up into two teams. Cookie and Rocket, you guys go right, and Dipper and I will check left. Meet back here in twenty minutes
*in Lumeo's camp*
Lumeo: Ok, I think the flag is well hidden...who would think to check IN the river?
Bill: I did, because I came up with it
Lumeo: Whatever...I suggest we stay together as a group now. Lets go
*This is part one of FLAG DEATH* *part 2 tomorrow*

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