The Lamby Lamby Dance

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Lumeo: So Thor, after the events of what happened in New York, what did you do with Loki?
Thor: I took him to Asguard.
Lumeo: then what happened?
Thor: *blushing* um we put him in his cell.
Lumeo: I think Loki has a different story to tell. *unlocks a closet behind her and Loki stumbles out gasping for air*
Thor: How long was Loki in there? And how did you even get him?
Lumeo: *smiling* details are not important. So Loki, what happened after Thor took you to Asguard?
Loki: *still gasping for air* Thor...omg.......I......can't.......breathe.....
Lumeo: Let's give Loki a second.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Second Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Loki: *Still gasping for air* That.......wasn't.......enough..........time.
Lumeo: *In a threatening voice* IF YOU DONT TALK I WILL UNLEASH THE HULK ON YOU!!!!!!!
Lumeo: now please tell us
Loki: it's very embarrassing......I don't really........ Want to tell.
Lumeo: *pulls out dagger* TELL US.
Loki: ok ok I've regained my breath now. Thor er um.... Dressed me up in a.... Lamb costume and forced me.... To um dance around Asguard....... and sing a song......about lambs.
Lumeo: *laughing her head off* sing and dance for us
Loki: no
Lumeo: I have the Hulk
Loki: I don't have a lamb costume
Thor: I have it *holds up a white lamb costume with a giant pink bow around the collar*
Loki: *whole face turning red* no
Lumeo: I. Have. A. Hulk.
Loki: *puts on costume* ok it's on. Happy?
Lumeo: dance.
Loki: no
Lumeo: Hulk
Loki: *starts twirling around*
Lumeo: sing
Loki: *stops twirling* no.
Lumeo: Hulk
Loki: *sighs*
Weeeeell who wants a lamby lamby lamby
I do! I do!
So go up and greet your mammy mammy mammy
Hi there! Hi there!
So March March March around the daisies!
And don't don't don't you forget about the babies!
Lumeo: *dying in her chair* omg I can't believe that.
Loki: I hate you all

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So that video is of Dipper from Gravity Falls doing the Lamby Lamby Dance.
Now just take a second and imagine Loki in Dippers place.
And you die from laughter.

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now