Avengers New Years Resolutions

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Lumeo: Today I will ask each Avenger and my precious Loki, what there New Years resolution is. And I will tell them what I think it should be. To start, we have Thor.
Thor: What's a New Years Resolution?
Lumeo: ok never mind. Steve your up.
Steve: To keep Tony away from me. He won't leave me alone since that *shivers* Stony thing.
Lumeo: ok. That's not much of a resolution. What I think you should do is focus on not being the worst Avenger. Next person!
Steve: wait. What do you mean I'm...
Steve: *whimpers then exits the studio*
Lumeo: We have Tony!
Tony: My resolution is to eat more Shawarma. Because why not?
Lumeo: I agree. Next Avenger. Bruce Banner. (Hulk)
Bruce: I need to stay calm.
Tony: *Pulls out pocket knife and runs the blade across Bruce's arm*
Steve: *rushing back into the room* STOP YOUR GONNA KILL US ALL
Bruce: *breathing heavily* Tony please stop.
Tony: *stabs him*
Bruce: *becomes Hulk and destroys the studio*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Five Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lumeo: ok so we took care of Hulk and I got my studio fixed pretty quickly. Next up we have Natasha Romonoff. (Black Widow)
Natasha: My resolution is to trust more people. See? I'm already trusting you enough to not tie you to a chair and interrogate you about why your interrogating me. *smiles*
Lumeo: okeeee. Moving on! Natasha you can leave. Next we got Clint Barton. (Hawkeye)
Clint: My resolution is.... I don't know.
Lumeo: I don't know either. Hmm. Maybe you could try and use a sword instead of a bow.
Clint: *hugs bow* NO! My preeeecioooous. *runs out of the studio*
Lumeo: ok time for MY favorite. Loki! *unlocks closet*
Loki: Thank the Gods I'm out if there.
Lumeo: so Loki. What is your resolution.
Loki: Easy. To try not to take over Midguard. *whispers* not.
Lumeo: I think you should try and LOVE me more.
Loki: What's YOUR resolution huh?
Lumeo: I'm perfect.
Loki: *smirks* I think you should try not to be so attached to me.
Lumeo: *snarls* Nevah! You are MY Loki. Lokiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
Loki: *sighs*
Lumeo: *grabs Loki* Loki Dokey that's all the time I have for today folks. So bye. And don't touch my Lokiiiiiiiiii.

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ