Flag Death part 2

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brooke's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~
I felt the wind breeze through my hair, as I raced through the forest. Many thoughts raced through my head, but only one mattered: Win. I leapt over a fallen oak tree, and stopped, listening closely for any sounds. Birds chirped. That was it. Suddenly I heard a rustling coming from a bush a couple feet away. The emerald leaves were pushed aside to reveal a small raccoon. Not just any raccoon.
"Rocket!" I shrieked! He glanced at me, then lunged with his knife in paw. I swung my dagger, slicing his muzzle, blood flying off. He let out a hiss of anger and stumbled back. Cookie came out of the bushes behind him. I glared at her, then leapt on top of the small raccoon, digging my dagger into his back. He let out a shriek of pain, and kicked at me with his back claws. Time to end it. I dug the knife into his chest, blood welling up around it and clotting his fur. Cookie let out a horrified gasp, then lunged on me. I expertly flipped around a kicked her off with my feet. She flew about five feet then slammed against a tree. She gave me a worried glance, then darted away. I was about to follow, but I decided against it. She was probably getting reinforcements.
I raced back into the woods, unwounded. What an easy kill. The Hufflepuff made a mistake choosing Rocket for her team. I ran in the direction Rocket and Cookie had come from, hoping to find their base. I could steal the flag. Then all I needed was Lumeo's. Bill was on her team. Yuck. How much I hated him...maybe...what if I killed him? Haha! I have two things I need to do!
1) Win
2) Kill Cipher
Nice. Now time to put my plan in motion.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Hufflepuff's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dipper and I nervously glanced around the forest, knives in hand. The slightest noise made us jump. It was good to be cautious. Even if we were scared, we would always be ready. I heard a noise from above, a rustling noise. I looked up, expecting to see someone in the tree. Nope. Just a bird with shiny red feathers. All good.
"Do you hear that?" Dipper whispered. His voice made me jump.
"What?" I listened. Suddenly a figure burst out of the bushes. Foxy came screeching out. I screamed in horror as Foxy leaped onto Dipper's back. I quickly grabbed for my wand and pointed it at the fox.
"AVEDA KADREVA!!!!" I yelled. A burst of light flew from the tip of my wand. It hit Foxy square in the face. He let out a screech of agony, then fell limp. He was dead. Dipper stood up on shaky legs.
"Thanks." He whispered. "Is that even allowed?" He asked, glancing at my wand.
"Lumeo didn't give us any rules so...I guess it's fine." I smirked.
"Ok lets just get out of here. Foxy made a lot of noise and will attract unwanted attention." I nodded, and we both took off.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lumeo's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~
I glanced at Bill, who was up in a maple tree, surveying the area.
"No one near by!" He called down. He grabbed onto the branch, and swung down, landing on his feet with a thud.
"That's fine. But I would still be able to easily kill them." Bragged Vincent, holding his dagger up. A stream of light that had cut through the canopy glinted off of it.
"Cool." I whispered. We then continued on in the direction we had been heading. Bill would occasionally climb a tree to check our surroundings, but nothing uneventful happened. Until we heard an inhuman shriek. It was coming just to the left of us. Vincent and I both jumped. Then I heard feet slamming against the ground, running...in our direction. Bill, Vincent and I stood our ground as Cookie came racing through the undergrowth.
"Oh it's just you, Cookie." I sighed in relief. "We won't hurt you."
"Shame, I don't feel the same way." She said with a psychopathic grin. She lunged at Vincent. He let out a shriek of horror, and swung his knife at Cookie's face. The blade caught on her cheek, causing a bit of blood to drip out. She clenched her teeth, and dug her dagger into Vincent's arm. At that point I was frozen with fear. Luckily Bill wasn't. He leaped at Cookie, knocking her off of Vince. She glared at him, then ran off, realizing she was outnumbered. I crouched next to Vincent, who gently put his hand over the bloody wound. Blood soaked through his clothes and began to stain his purple shirt.
"it's just a minor injury." He said with a smile. He stood up, still holding the wound and we continued on.
*part 3 coming soon*

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