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Ivystar138 dares Vincent to sing "Let it Go" from Frozen
Vincent: *groan* *puts on Elsa dress*
Bill: Hehe you look stunning
Lumeo: Agreed
Vincent: Stfu...*begins doing the motions and singing* Let it Go! Let in go! Can't take this song anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Slam my face into a door! I don't care that I have to sing! Fuck this song! I really never cared anyway.
Lumeo: Bravo!
artgirl1101 Dares a big dodge ball match thing
Lumeo: Ok! So this is how it's gonna work! Round one is Night Guards and animatronics v.s. The Avengers and Loki! Round 2 is the winners of round 1 v.s. The Gravity Falls crew. Round 3 is the winners of round 2 v.s. Brooke, The Hufflepuff, Artgirl and me!
Brooke: Oh boy!
Artgirl: I get to play!
Vincent: Finally a reason to kill someone with a ball
Lumeo: Ok the players of team FNAF are: Vincent, Mike, Jeremy, Scott, Fritz, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Freddy. No Toy animatronics or Springtrap. The players of team Avengers are: Bruce, Steve, Tony, Thor, Clint, Natasha, and Loki. Let it begin!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Round 1 begins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bruce: We may be outnumbered but we are skilled! *grabs dodgeball*
Thor: Hiya! *throws dodgeball at Chica*
Chica: *gets hit in the face* Oh God ow
Lumeo: That's what you get you little bish! Chica is out!
Vincent: Uh oh *panics* *throws ball at Tony but misses*
Loki: *like a ninja* *throws 3 balls* *hits Fritz* *hits Freddy* *misses Vincent*
Lumeo: Fritz and Freddy are out!
Vincent: We gotta up our game guys!
Foxy: I got this *throws ball at Clint*
Clint: *skillfully dodges and tosses ball at Foxy*
Foxy: *dodges and launches another ball at Clint*
Clint: *slips and gets hit*
Lumeo: Hawkeye/Clint is out!
Steve: Hey! This is like throwing my shield! *swiftly tosses 5 balls at opposing team*
Mike: *throws ball* *misses Loki* *gets hit by Steves*
Jeremy: I can't do this! *panics* *gets hit*
Bonnie: Uh oh! *throws ball at Bruce* *hits*
Lumeo: Bruce, Jeremy and Mike are out!
Scott: IM SO SCREWED *crouches on the ground* *gets hit by a ball Tony threw*
Bonnie: *malfunctions* *powers down*
Lumeo: Bonnie is disqualified and Scott is out! Only Foxy and Vincent remain on team FNAF!
Vincent: Ahhhh! *throws ball at Natasha*
Natasha: *dodges*
Ball: Lol I missed I'm gonna hit Steve instead
Steve: *gets hit*
Tony: *hits Foxy out*
Lumeo: Steve and Foxy are out! Vincent is the only one on team FNAF!
Vincent: No! *skillfully dodges and tosses balls*
Thor: *gets hit*
Loki: *throws ball at Vincent*
Vincent: *backflips over ball*
Tony: *hits Vincent*
Lumeo: Team Avengers win! They will move on!
Vincent: You all failed me
Loki: Ha! Bill your on the next team! I'm gonna destroy your team!
Bill: I'd like to see you try
Lumeo: Ok so Gravity Falls peeps, what's your team name?
Bill: *smirks* *whispers into Lumeos ear*
Lumeo: *giggles like a maniac* Hahahahaha ok Round two is Team Avengers v.s. Team *giggles* Bill Pickle
Dipper: Wtf Bill
Mabel: Haha like Dill pickle! I get it! Bill Pickle!
Lumeo: Ok team Bill Pickle's members are: Dipper, Mabel, Bill, Soos, Wendy, and Grunkle Stan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Round 2 Begins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bill: *uses magic* *grabs all the balls* *throws them all at Team Avenger*
Loki: What!?
Steve: *gets hit* Wha-!
Bruce: *gets hit* hmph
Tony: *gets hit* I wasn't even ready
Natasha: *gets hit* I think magic is considered cheating
Clint: *gets hit* What is this shiz?
Thor: *gets hit* Magic? Why didn't you use magic Loki?
Loki: *dodges* I will! *picks up all the balls and tosses them back at Team Bill Pickle*
Team Bill Pickle: *everyone is hit except for Bill*
Lumeo: WOW!!!!! Everyone but Loki and Bill is out! It's a true show down!
Bill: *picks up yellow dodge ball* This ends today, Reindeer Games
Tony: ooooooh
Loki: *picks up green ball* The only end today is yours, Illuminati boy
Bill: *throws ball*
Loki: *throws ball*
Bill: *dodges*
Loki: *dodges*
Bill: *tackles Loki*
Loki: *attacks Bill*
Lumeo: Uh...let's just say it was a tie! Boys stop fighting!
Brooke: *pulls out dreamcatcher* I can handle Bill
The Hufflepuff: I can handle Loki *pulls out Tesseract*
Artgirl: Oooh! Fight fight fight!
Brooke: *runs at Bill*
Bill: Screw this *teleports to Lumeo* SHE TRYING TO KILL MEH
The Hufflepuff: Loki! Look what I have!
Loki: OMG TESSERACT *tries to take it*
Lumeo: Ok thanks...How about since there was no winner we do Bill, Loki, Vincent and Dipper against the four of us girls so that way it's even, and each of us has a crush on at least one of those boys
Artgirl: Oh it is so on
Lumeo: Ok team...Bill Pickle
Bill: YAS
Lumeo: V.s. Team...uh
Brooke: Team Brooke!
The Hufflepuff: Team Hogwarts
Artgirl: Team Adventure!
Lumeo: V.s. team Adventure!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Round 3 Begins~~~~~~~~~~~~
Vincent: *quickly grabs purple ball*
Brooke: *grabs red ball* THIS ONES FOR YOU BILL!!!!!!!!! *throws at Bill*
Bill: *dodges* *grabs yellow ball*
Loki: *grabs green ball*
Dipper: *grabs Dark blue ball*
Lumeo: *grabs silver ball*
The Hufflepuff: *grabs ball with Hufflepuff colors on it*
Brooke: *grabs red ball again*
Artgirl: *grabs white ball*
Everyone: *holding balls awkwardly* (that's what she did)
Lumeo: On the count of 3
Brooke: 1
The Hufflepuff: 2
Artgirl: 3!
*full on war starts!*
*balls flying*
*people possibly dying*
Dipper: *hit by red ball*
Brooke: Nothing personal!
Vincent: *backflipping like a pro* *slips* *is hit by The Hufflepuffs ball*
The Hufflepuff: Your welcome!
Vincent: *flips off*
Lumeo: *is hit by yellow ball* I fell betrayed
Bill: Sorry!
Loki: Hehe *is hit by yellow ball*
Bill: Oops my hand slipped *smirk*
Loki: Fudge you
Brooke: BILL HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!
The Hufflepuff: Bill, you realize you are now the only member on your team right?
Artgirl: You messed up bro!
Brooke: I've been waiting for this moment! I. Hate. You. Bill. *throws ball*
The Hufflepuff: *throws ball*
Bill: *dodges*
Artgirl: *throws ball*
Brooke: *runs across field* *pins Bill down*
Bill: *is hit by Artgirls ball*
Lumeo: Well this game had no rules....
Bill: *groan* Just leave more questions and dares

Avengers, Loki,  Gravity Falls, and Five Nights at Freddys RandomnessWhere stories live. Discover now