Dont even question it

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Girl_of_Fire Dares us to have an iron chief cook off...crack style!
Lumeo: Ok...this chapter is going to go badly for 3 reasons
1) I only know a bit about iron chef (but I can do this!)
2) I may be wrong but...we are going to be on crack doing this?
3) I'm probably totally wrong about the crack be we are going to do that because it will be fucking hilarious
Bill: Ok so how does this work?
Lumeo: From what I know we have one hour to prepare a dish...then like we get judged by someone...but we're gonna be high on crack
Bill: Even the judge?
Lumeo: You know it
Bill: We need someone to not be high to keep us in order
Steve: I volunteer as tribute
The Hufllepuff: You brave soul
Lumeo: Let's do this
*after the chefs have gotten...'prepared'*
Steve: Your hour begins now!
Brooke: I see rainbows
Lumeo: Come here snuggle kittens Barney wants a hug
The Hufflepuff: Only babies know where the magic comes from
Loki: I'm the ruler of Pony vile!
Bill: The dancing Doritos love meh! Do you see them?
Dipper: I love it when your toes tickle my earball
Steve: Teh faq is wrong with them?
Cookie: I love it when the eggs smile at me *throws eggs into bowl* Die bitches your smiles are creepy
The Hufflepuff: Bill your hair looks like a bottle
Bill: Yes I agree rainbows do not have turtles
Lumeo: How come my face is home
Brooke: I love it and it was the best of the day
Loki: Pikachu
Vincent: Aw look a bit more of the llama
The Hufflepuff: How come the sky is barking at me?
Cookie: I love magic babies they were the only thing that would have to go back and I don't think that I don't think you should have more
*1 hour later*
Steve: Ok your time is up *grabs dishes from everyone's station* Uh...lets see how these look
Cookie's bowl: A bunch of smashed up eggs
Brooke's Bowl: Lots of flour and....sparkles?
The Hufflepuff's bowl: Frog legs, mandrake root and mouse hair? Where did she get those?
Lumeo's Bowl: Blood? Wtf? Who's blood!? How?!
Vincent's Bowl: Nothing in it
Loki's Bowl: A fabric of clothing, The Hufflepuff's wand, and Bill's bow tie
Bill's Bowl: Doritos
Dipper's Bowl: Um...Dipper is in the bowl....ok
*after the chefs are uh...better*
Lumeo: Ok I have no clue what who's going to judge?
Steve: Vincent's bowl had nothing in it so he should.
Vincent: Yas more crack
*after Vincent is prepared*
Vincent: *takes The Hufflepuff's bowl* It tastes like kittens tickling my face
*takes Cookie's bowl* babies taste yummy
Cookie: Wtf
Vincent: *takes Brooke's bowl* Tastes like unicorn sharts
Brooke: 😌
Vincent: *somehow stuffs the contents of every other persons bowl into his mouth* I eat jello good
Steve: I think that means The Hufflepuff won...
Lumeo: Well that chapter happened

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